FTSparseMatrixClass Module

The sparse matrix stores an FTObject pointer associated with two keys (i,j) as a hash table.

Hash tables are data structures designed to enable storage and fast retrieval of key-value pairs. An example of a key-value pair is a variable name (gamma'') and its associated value (1.4''). The table itself is typically an array. The location of the value in a hash table associated with a key, $k$, is specified by way of a hash function, $H(k)$. In the case of a variable name and value, the hash function would convert the name into an integer that tells where to find the associated value in the table.

A very simple example of a hash table is, in fact, a singly dimensioned array. The key is the array index and the value is what is stored at that index. Multiple keys can be used to identify data; a two dimensional array provides an example of where two keys are used to access memory and retrieve the value at that location. If we view a singly dimensioned array as a special case of a hash table, its hash function is just the array index, $H(j)=j$. A doubly dimensioned array could be (and often is) stored columnwise as a singly dimensioned array by creating a hash function that maps the two indices to a single location in the array, e.g., $H(i,j) = i + j*N$, where $N$ is the range of the first index, $i$.

Two classes are included in FTObjectLibrary. The first, FTSparseMatrix, works with an ordered pair, (i,j), as the keys. The second, FTMultiIndexTable, uses an array of integers as the keys.

Both classes include enquiry functions to see of an object exists for the given keys. Otherwise, the function that returns an object for a given key will return an UNASSOCIATED pointer if there is no object for the key. Be sure to retain any object returned by the objectForKeys methods if you want to keep it beyond the lifespan of the matrix or table. For example,

       TYPE(FTObject) :: obj
       obj => matrix % objectForKeys(i,j)
           CALL obj % retain()
             Cast obj to something useful
          Perform some kind of error recovery
       END IF

The sparse matrix stores an FTObject pointer associated with two keys (i,j) as a hash table. The size, N = the range of i.

Definition (Subclass of FTObject)

     TYPE(FTSparseMatrix) :: SparseMatrix



     CALL SparseMatrix % initWithSize(N)


     CALL release(SparseMatrix)

Adding an object

     CLASS(FTObject), POINTER :: obj
     CALL SparseMatrix % addObjectForKeys(obj,i,j)

Retrieving an object

     CLASS(FTObject), POINTER :: obj
     obj => SparseMatrix % objectForKeys(i,j)

Be sure to retain the object if you want it to live beyond the life of the table.

Testing the presence of keys

     LOGICAL :: exists
     exists = SparseMatrix % containsKeys(i,j)


public interface release

  • public subroutine releaseFTSparseMatrix(self)

    Public, generic name: release(self)

    Call release(self) on an object to release control of an object. If its reference count is zero, then it is deallocated.


    Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
    class(FTSparseMatrix), POINTER :: self

Derived Types

type, public, extends(FTObject) ::  FTSparseMatrix


Type Visibility Attributes Name Initial
type(FTLinkedListPtr), public, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: table

Type-Bound Procedures

procedure, public :: init => initFTObject
procedure, public :: description => FTObjectDescription
procedure, public :: printDescription => printFTObjectDescription
procedure, public :: className
procedure, public, non_overridable :: copy => copyFTObject
procedure, public, non_overridable :: retain => retainFTObject
procedure, public, non_overridable :: isUnreferenced
procedure, public, non_overridable :: refCount
procedure, public :: initWithSize => initSparseMatrixWithSize
procedure, public :: destruct => destructSparseMatrix
procedure, public :: containsKeys => SparseMatrixContainsKeys
procedure, public :: addObjectForKeys => addObjectToSparseMatrixForKeys
procedure, public :: objectForKeys => objectInSparseMatrixForKeys
procedure, public :: SparseMatrixSize


public function objectInSparseMatrixForKeys(self, i, j) result(r)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: j

Return Value class(FTObject), POINTER

public function SparseMatrixContainsKeys(self, i, j) result(r)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix) :: self
integer :: i
integer :: j

Return Value logical

public function SparseMatrixSize(self)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix) :: self

Return Value integer

public function SparseMatrixFromObject(obj) result(cast)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTObject), POINTER :: obj

Return Value class(FTSparseMatrix), POINTER

public function Hash1(idPair)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, DIMENSION(2) :: idPair

Return Value integer

public function Hash2(idPair)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
integer, DIMENSION(2) :: idPair

Return Value integer


public subroutine initSparseMatrixWithSize(self, N)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix) :: self
integer :: N

public subroutine addObjectToSparseMatrixForKeys(self, obj, i, j)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix) :: self
class(FTObject), POINTER :: obj
integer :: i
integer :: j

public subroutine destructSparseMatrix(self)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix) :: self

public subroutine releaseFTSparseMatrix(self)

Public, generic name: release(self)

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Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTSparseMatrix), POINTER :: self

public subroutine releaseSMMemberList(list)


Type IntentOptional Attributes Name
class(FTLinkedList), POINTER :: list