FWHPreSurface.f90 Source File

Source Code

#include "Includes.h"
Module FWHPreSurface  !
    use SMConstants
    use Headers
    use HexMeshClass
    use FTValueDictionaryClass
    use SurfaceClass
    Implicit None

    public extractSurface

        Function elementInGeo(r, ratio, centerPosition, x, y, N, lengthAspect, filter) result(isIn)
            use SMConstants
            implicit none
            real(kind=RP)               , intent(in)    :: r, ratio, lengthAspect
            real(kind=RP), dimension(N) , intent(in)    :: x, y
            real(kind=RP), dimension(2) , intent(in)    :: centerPosition
            integer                     , intent(in)    :: N
            logical, optional           , intent(in)    :: filter
            logical                                     :: isIn
        End Function elementInGeo

        Function distaceToGeo(r, ratio, centerPosition, x, y) result(rdiff)

            use SMConstants
            implicit none

            real(kind=RP), intent(in)                   :: r, ratio, x, y
            real(kind=RP), dimension(2), intent(in)     :: centerPosition
            real(kind=RP)                               :: rdiff
        End Function distaceToGeo

    end interface

    Subroutine extractSurface(mesh, controlVariables)

        use mainKeywordsModule
        use FileReadingUtilities, only: getFileName, getRealArrayFromString, RemovePath, getCharArrayFromString, getIntArrayFromString
        use Utilities,            only: toLower

        implicit none

        type(HexMesh)                                       :: mesh
        type(FTValueDictionary)                             :: controlVariables

        !local variables
        type(Surface_t), allocatable                       :: surface
        real(kind=RP)                                       :: radii, ratio, lengthAspect
        real(kind=RP), dimension(:), allocatable            :: centerPosition
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable                  :: eIDs, globaleIDs, numberOfFacesperElement, firstFIDs
        integer                                             :: numberOfElements, numberOfFaces, numberOfSecondFaces, numberOfVerifiedFaces
        character(len=LINE_LENGTH)                          :: geometry, fileName, meshName, center, boundaryNames, newElems, discElems
        character(len=LINE_LENGTH), allocatable             :: boundaryNamesArr(:)
        procedure(elementInGeo), pointer                    :: isInGeometry => null()
        procedure(distaceToGeo), pointer                    :: rToGeometry => null()
        type(SurfaceFace_t), dimension(:), allocatable     :: firstFaces, allCreatedFaces
        type(SurfaceFace_t), dimension(:), allocatable     :: secondFaces, oldFaces, oldTemp
        type(SurfaceFace_t), allocatable     :: tempSecFaces
        type(SurfaceElement_t), dimension(:), allocatable  :: elementsOfFaces
        integer                                             :: fID, eID, eIndex
        integer                                             :: i, k, numberOfBCZones, j, numberOfNewFaces
        logical                                             :: connectedAtBoundary, discardElems, includeElems, useFilter, saveForMPI
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable                  :: zoneMarkers

        integer, dimension(:), allocatable                  :: allE, allgE, allF
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable                  :: nE, newElemID, allNewElemID, allExcludedElemID, discElemID, secIdsNot
        integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable                :: oldIds, secIds, realSecIds, oldIdsTemp, secIdsTemp, bcFaces
        integer                                             :: nNe, NelemDir, numberOfBCElemNew, numberOfBCElemDisc, numberOfBCFaces

!       Get the solution and mesh file names
!       ------------------------------------
        fileName = controlVariables % stringValueForKey( solutionFileNameKey, requestedLength = LINE_LENGTH )
        fileName = "./MESH/" // trim(removePath(getFileName(fileName))) // ".surfaceZone"
        meshName = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey( meshFileNameKey, requestedLength = LINE_LENGTH ))

!       Get the geometry info
!       ---------------------
        geometry = controlVariables % stringValueForKey("geometry", LINE_LENGTH)
        call toLower(geometry)
        radii = controlVariables % doublePrecisionValueForKey("radii")
        ratio = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("ratio", 1.0_RP)
        connectedAtBoundary = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("include boundaries", .false.)
        center = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey("center position",LINE_LENGTH))
        centerPosition = getRealArrayFromString(center)
        lengthAspect = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("surface tolerance", 0.7_RP)

!       Get the BC info
!       ----------------
        if (controlVariables%containsKey("boundary names")) then
            boundaryNames = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey("boundary names",LINE_LENGTH))
            boundaryNames = ""
        end if
        call toLower(boundaryNames)
        call getCharArrayFromString(boundaryNames, LINE_LENGTH, boundaryNamesArr)
        numberOfBCZones = size(boundaryNamesArr)
        zoneMarkers = 0
        bc_loop: do k = 1, numberOfBCZones
            do i = 1, size(mesh % zones)
                if (trim(mesh % zones(i) % Name) .eq. trim(boundaryNamesArr(k))) then
                    zoneMarkers(k) = mesh % zones(i) % marker
                    cycle bc_loop
                end if 
            end do
        end do bc_loop

!       Get the misc info
!       -----------------
        NelemDir = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("elements in direction", 0)
        useFilter = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("use filtering", .false.)
        saveForMPI = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("save for mpi", .false.)

        includeElems = controlVariables % containsKey("elements to include")
        newElems = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey("elements to include",LINE_LENGTH))
        if (newElems .eq. "") newElems = "[0]"
        newElemID = getIntArrayFromString(newElems)
        numberOfBCElemNew = size(newElemID)

        discardElems = controlVariables % containsKey("elements to exclude")
        discElems = trim(controlVariables % stringValueForKey("elements to exclude",LINE_LENGTH))
        if (discElems .eq. "") discElems = "[0]"
        discElemID = getIntArrayFromString(discElems)
        numberOfBCElemDisc = size(discElemID)

!       get the apropiated functions
!       ----------------------------

        select case (trim(geometry))
        case ("circle")
            isInGeometry => isInCircle
            rToGeometry  => distaceToCircle
        case ("ellipse")
            isInGeometry => isInEllipse
            rToGeometry  => distanceToEllipse
        case default
            print *, "Warning, no geometry defined, using circle as default"
            isInGeometry => isInCircle
            rToGeometry  => distaceToCircle
        end select

!       get the forced elements to include
!       ----------------------------
        allNewElemID = 0
        if (includeElems) then
            k = 1
            do i = 1, numberOfBCElemNew
                call getAdditionalElements(mesh, newElemID(i), NelemDir, zoneMarkers, numberOfBCZones, nE, nNe)
                allNewElemID(k:k+nNe-1) = nE
                k = k + nNe
            end do
        end if 

!       get the forced elements to exclude
!       ----------------------------
        allExcludedElemID = 0
        if (discardElems) then
            k = 1
            do i = 1, numberOfBCElemDisc
                call getAdditionalElements(mesh, discElemID(i), NelemDir, zoneMarkers, numberOfBCZones, nE, nNe)
                allExcludedElemID(k:k+nNe-1) = nE
                k = k + nNe
            end do
        end if 

!       get the elements ids
!       --------------------
        call getElements(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, lengthAspect, centerPosition, allNewElemID, allExcludedElemID, eIDs, &
                         globaleIDs, useFilter)
        numberOfElements = size(eIDs)

!       get the first faces ids and construct the faces
!       ----------------------------------------------
        do i = 1, numberOfElements
            call getFirstFace(mesh, rToGeometry, eIDs(i), radii, ratio, centerPosition, firstFIDs(i))
            call firstFaces(i) % construct(mesh, eIDs(i), globaleIDs(i), firstFIDs(i))
        end do     

!       construct elements
!       ------------------
        do i = 1, numberOfElements
            call elementsOfFaces(i) % construct(mesh, eIDs(i), globaleIDs(i), firstFIDs(i), zoneMarkers, numberOfBCZones, .false.)
            call elementsOfFaces(i) % reconstructPeriod()
        end do     

!       update faces connections
!       ------------------------
        ! if (.not. connectedAtBoundary) then
            do i = 1, numberOfElements
            call firstFaces(i)%updateEdgesPeriod(elementsOfFaces, numberOfElements)
                if (.not. elementsOfFaces(i) % isInBCZone) cycle
                call firstFaces(i) % setNoConnections(mode=1)
            end do
        ! end if 

!       get the elements that need second faces
!       ---------------------------------------
        numberOfFacesperElement = 2
        do i = 1, numberOfElements
            if ( firstFaces(i) % isFullConnected(firstFaces, numberOfElements) ) then
                numberOfFacesperElement(i) = 1
                call elementsOfFaces(i) % setNeedSecond(numberOfFacesperElement(i) - 1)
            end if
        end do     

!       get first total numbers
!       -----------------------
        numberOfFaces = sum(numberOfFacesperElement)
        numberOfSecondFaces = numberOfFaces - numberOfElements
        numberOfVerifiedFaces = numberOfElements

        oldIds(:,1) = eIDs
        oldIds(:,2) = globaleIDs
        oldIds(:,3) = firstFIDs
        oldFaces = firstFaces

!       start loop to obtain extra faces
!       --------------------------------

        do j = 1, 4
        ! print *, "j: ", j

!       get the second faces ids
!       ------------------------

        k = 1
        do i = 1, numberOfElements
            if ( (.not. elementsOfFaces(i) % needSecondFace) .or. (elementsOfFaces(i) % extrafIDs(1) /= 0) ) cycle
            call elementsOfFaces(i) % getNotConnectedN(mesh, elementsOfFaces, numberOfElements, secIds(k,3))
            secIds(k,1) = eIDs(i)
            secIds(k,2) = globaleIDs(i)
            if ( k .ge. numberOfSecondFaces ) exit
            k = k + 1
        end do     
        if (k .le. 1) exit
        numberOfNewFaces = k

!       create connected secondFaces and discard the non well positioned
!       ----------------------------------------------------------------
        if (j .le. 1) then
            allocate( allCreatedFaces(numberOfElements+1) )
            allCreatedFaces(1:numberOfElements) = oldFaces
            allocate( secIdsNot(numberOfNewFaces) )

            k = 0
            do i = 1, numberOfNewFaces
                if (secIds(i,3) .eq. 0) then
                    ! eIndex = findloc(globaleIDs, secIds(i,1), dim=1)
                    eIndex = maxloc(merge(1.0, 0.0, globaleIDs == secIds(i,1)), dim=1)
                    call elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % setNeedNotSecond()
                    if (any(secIdsNot .eq. secIds(i,2))) cycle
                    k = k + 1
                    secIdsNot(k) = secIds(i,2)
                end if
                if (any(secIdsNot .eq. secIds(i,2))) cycle
                call tempSecFaces % construct(mesh, secIds(i,1), secIds(i,2), secIds(i,3))
                allCreatedFaces(numberOfVerifiedFaces+1) = tempSecFaces
                if (tempSecFaces % isTwiceEdConnected(allCreatedFaces, numberOfElements+1)) then
                ! if (tempSecFaces % fee(allCreatedFaces, numberOfElements+1)) then
                    if (any(secIdsNot .eq. secIds(i,2))) cycle
                    k = k + 1
                    secIdsNot(k) = secIds(i,2)
                    ! eIndex = findloc(globaleIDs, secIds(i,1), dim=1)
                    eIndex = maxloc(merge(1.0, 0.0, globaleIDs == secIds(i,1)), dim=1)
                    call elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % setNeedNotSecond()
                    do eID = 1, numberOfElements
                        if (.not. elementsOfFaces(eID) % needSecondFace) cycle
                        if (elementsOfFaces(eID) % globaleID .eq. secIds(i,2)) cycle
                        if (any(secIdsNot .eq. elementsOfFaces(eID) % globaleID)) cycle
                        if (.not. any(secIds(:,2) .eq. elementsOfFaces(eID) % globaleID)) cycle

                        ! see if with the new face the original face of the element if connected, to remove second connection
                        if (allCreatedFaces(eID) % isFullConnected(allCreatedFaces, numberOfElements+1)) then
                            k = k + 1
                            call elementsOfFaces(eID) % setNeedNotSecond()
                            secIdsNot(k) = elementsOfFaces(eID) % globaleID
                        end if
                    end do
                end if
                call tempSecFaces % destruct
            end do
            if (k .gt. 0) then
                numberOfNewFaces = numberOfNewFaces - k
                numberOfFaces = numberOfElements + numberOfNewFaces
                numberOfSecondFaces = numberOfFaces - numberOfElements
                k = 1
                do i = 1, size(secIds, dim=1)
                    if (k .gt. numberOfNewFaces) exit
                    if (any(secIds(i,2) .eq. secIdsNot)) cycle
                    secIdsTemp(k,:) = secIds(i,:)
                    k = k+1
                end do
                secIds = secIdsTemp(1:numberOfNewFaces,:)
            end if 
        end if

!       create all secondFaces
!       ----------------------
        allocate( secondFaces(numberOfNewFaces) )
        do i = 1, numberOfNewFaces
            call secondFaces(i) % construct(mesh, secIds(i,1), secIds(i,2), secIds(i,3))
            call secondFaces(i)%updateEdgesPeriod(elementsOfFaces, numberOfElements)
        end do

!       update faces connections
!       ------------------------
        ! if (.not. connectedAtBoundary) then
            do i = 1, numberOfSecondFaces
                eID = secondFaces(i) % globaleID
                ! eIndex = findloc(globaleIDs, eID, dim=1)
                eIndex = maxloc(merge(1.0, 0.0, globaleIDs == eID), dim=1)
                if (.not. elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % isInBCZone) cycle
                if (.not. elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % needSecondFace) cycle
                call secondFaces(i) % setNoConnections(mode=1)
            end do
        ! end if 

        ! set num of con for sec faces at bc
        allocate( allCreatedFaces(numberOfFaces) )
        allCreatedFaces(1:numberOfVerifiedFaces) = oldFaces
        allCreatedFaces(numberOfVerifiedFaces+1:numberOfFaces) = secondFaces

!       get all possible secondFaces not full connected
!       -----------------------------------------------
        allocate( realSecIds(numberOfFaces,3) )
        k = 0
        do i = numberOfVerifiedFaces + 1, numberOfFaces
            if (allCreatedFaces(i) % isFullConnected(allCreatedFaces, numberOfFaces)) then
                k = k + 1
                realSecIds(k,1) = allCreatedFaces(i) % eID
                realSecIds(k,2) = allCreatedFaces(i) % globaleID
                realSecIds(k,3) = allCreatedFaces(i) % fID
                eID = allCreatedFaces(i) % globaleID
                ! eIndex = findloc(globaleIDs, eID, dim=1)
                eIndex = maxloc(merge(1.0, 0.0, globaleIDs == eID), dim=1)
                if (.not. elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % needSecondFace) cycle
                elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % extrafIDs(1) = 0
            end if 
        end do

!       destroy previous faces
!       ----------------------
        do i = 1, numberOfSecondFaces
            call secondFaces(i) % destruct()
        end do

        numberOfSecondFaces = k

!       exit loop if not new faces are created
!       --------------------------------------
        if (numberOfSecondFaces .eq. 0) exit

!       create real secondFaces
!       -----------------------
        allocate( secondFaces(numberOfSecondFaces) )
        do i = 1, numberOfSecondFaces
            call secondFaces(i) % construct(mesh, realSecIds(i,1), realSecIds(i,2), realSecIds(i,3))
            call secondFaces(i) % updateEdgesPeriod(elementsOfFaces, numberOfElements)
        end do

        k = numberOfVerifiedFaces - numberOfElements

!       update old ids with the real new ones
!       -------------------------------------
        allocate( oldIdsTemp(numberOfVerifiedFaces,3) )
        oldIdsTemp = oldIds
        allocate( oldIds(numberOfVerifiedFaces+numberOfSecondFaces,3) )
        oldIds(1:numberOfVerifiedFaces,:) = oldIdsTemp
        oldIds(numberOfVerifiedFaces+1 : numberOfVerifiedFaces+numberOfSecondFaces,:) = realSecIds

!       update old Faces with the real new ones
!       ---------------------------------------
        allocate( oldTemp(numberOfVerifiedFaces) )
        oldTemp = oldFaces
        allocate( oldFaces( numberOfVerifiedFaces+numberOfSecondFaces ) )
        oldFaces(1:numberOfVerifiedFaces) = oldTemp
        oldFaces(numberOfVerifiedFaces+1 : numberOfVerifiedFaces+numberOfSecondFaces) = secondFaces

        numberOfVerifiedFaces = numberOfVerifiedFaces + numberOfSecondFaces

!       update elements that need secondFaces based on all real secondFaces
!       -------------------------------------------------------------------
        do i = 1, numberOfVerifiedFaces
            eID = oldFaces(i) % globaleID
            ! eIndex = findloc(globaleIDs, eID, dim=1)
            eIndex = maxloc(merge(1.0, 0.0, globaleIDs == eID), dim=1)
            if ( (.not. elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % needSecondFace) .or. (elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % extrafIDs(1) .ne. 0) ) cycle
            if (oldFaces(i) % isFullConnected(oldFaces, numberOfVerifiedFaces)) then
                call elementsOfFaces(eIndex) % setNeedNotSecond()
                numberOfFaces = numberOfFaces - 1
            end if 
        end do

        numberOfSecondFaces = numberOfFaces - numberOfVerifiedFaces

        ! exit loop if no more faces are needed
        if (numberOfFaces .eq. numberOfVerifiedFaces) exit
        end do
        if (numberOfFaces .ne. numberOfVerifiedFaces) print *, "Warning, not all possible faces have been created. Check results first"

!       get boundary faces if needed
!       ----------------------------
        if (connectedAtBoundary) then
            call getBCFaces(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, centerPosition, lengthAspect, allExcludedElemID, allNewElemID, zoneMarkers, numberOfBCZones, bcFaces, numberOfBCFaces)
            oldIdsTemp(1:numberOfVerifiedFaces,:) = oldIds
            oldIdsTemp(numberOfVerifiedFaces+1:,:) = bcFaces
            call move_alloc(oldIdsTemp,oldIds)
            numberOfVerifiedFaces = numberOfVerifiedFaces + numberOfBCFaces
        end if 

!       create final surface and create output files
!       --------------------------------------------
        call surface % construct(mesh, fileName, oldIds(:,1), oldIds(:,2), oldIds(:,3), numberOfVerifiedFaces)
        call surface % writeToTecplot(mesh, meshName)
        call surface % saveToFile(mesh, saveForMPI)

        call surface % destruct()

    End Subroutine extractSurface
    Subroutine getElements(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, lengthAspect, centerPosition, toInclude, toExclude, eIDArray, geIDArray, useFilter)

        use ElementConnectivityDefinitions, only: NODES_PER_ELEMENT, FACES_PER_ELEMENT, normalAxis
        use MeshTypes,                      only: emptyBCName
        implicit none

        type(HexMesh)                     , intent(in)          :: mesh
        procedure(elementInGeo)                                 :: isInGeometry
        real(kind=RP)                     , intent(in)          :: radii, ratio, lengthAspect
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2)       , intent(in)          :: centerPosition
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in)                       :: toInclude, toExclude
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out)         :: geIDArray,eIDArray
        logical, intent(in)                                     :: useFilter

        !local variables
        integer                                                 :: eID, i, j, k
        integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable                    :: allElements, elementsTemp
        integer                                                 :: nElements, extrudedDirectionIndex, numberOfNeighbours, totalNeighbours
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable                      :: neighboursIndex

        call getAllInteriorElements(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, centerPosition, lengthAspect, useFilter, toExclude, toInclude, allElements, nElements)

        if (.not. useFilter) then
            elementsTemp = allElements(1:nElements,:)
            k = 0
            do eID = 1, nElements
                ! works if there's only one element neighbour for each face
                totalNeighbours = FACES_PER_ELEMENT
                numberOfNeighbours = 0
                associate ( e => mesh % elements(elementsTemp(eID,1)) )
                    do j = 1, FACES_PER_ELEMENT
                        if ( any(elementsTemp(:,2) .eq. e % Connection(j) % globID) ) then
                            numberOfNeighbours = numberOfNeighbours + 1
                        end if 
                        ! remove one constrain for each boundary of the element
                        if (trim(e % boundaryName(j)) .ne. emptyBCName) then
                            totalNeighbours = totalNeighbours - 1
                        end if 
                    end do
                end associate
                ! is at the surface boundary if there isn't an element inside the surface in the "wall" outgoing surface direction
                if (numberOfNeighbours .lt. totalNeighbours) then
                    k = k + 1
                    allElements(k,:) = elementsTemp(eID,:)
                end if 
            end do 
            nElements = k
        end if 

        allocate(geIDArray(nElements), eIDArray(nElements))
        eIDArray = allElements(1:nElements,1)
        geIDArray = allElements(1:nElements,2)

    End Subroutine getElements
    Subroutine getAllInteriorElements(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, centerPosition, lengthAspect, useFilter, toExclude, toInclude, allElements, nElements)

        use ElementConnectivityDefinitions, only: NODES_PER_ELEMENT
        implicit none

        type(HexMesh)                     , intent(in)          :: mesh
        procedure(elementInGeo)                                 :: isInGeometry
        real(kind=RP)                     , intent(in)          :: radii, ratio, lengthAspect
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2)       , intent(in)          :: centerPosition
        logical, intent(in)                                     :: useFilter
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in)                       :: toInclude, toExclude
        integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, intent(out)       :: allElements
        integer, intent(out)                                    :: nElements

        !local variables
        real(kind=RP), dimension(:), pointer                    :: x, y, z
        real(kind=RP), dimension(3,NODES_PER_ELEMENT), target   :: xx
        integer                                                 :: eID, k
        integer                                                 :: Nx, Ny, Nz

        allocate(allElements(mesh % no_of_elements,2))
        k = 1

        do eID = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
            associate ( e => mesh % elements(eID) )

                find_or_not: if (any(toExclude .eq. e % globID)) then
                elseif (any(toInclude .eq. e % globID)) then

                    allElements(k,1) = e % eID
                    allElements(k,2) = e % globID
                    k = k + 1

                else find_or_not

                    Nx = e % Nxyz(1)
                    Ny = e % Nxyz(2)
                    Nz = e % Nxyz(3)

                    ! conrners position
                    xx(:,1) = e % geom % x(:,0,0,0)
                    xx(:,2) = e % geom % x(:,Nx,0,0)
                    xx(:,3) = e % geom % x(:,0,Ny,0)
                    xx(:,4) = e % geom % x(:,Nx,Ny,0)
                    xx(:,5) = e % geom % x(:,0,0,Nz)
                    xx(:,6) = e % geom % x(:,Nx,0,Nz)
                    xx(:,7) = e % geom % x(:,0,Ny,Nz)
                    xx(:,8) = e % geom % x(:,Nx,Ny,Nz)

                    x => xx(1,:)
                    y => xx(2,:)
                    z => xx(3,:)

                    ! todo: configure to call x,z or y,z too
                    if (isInGeometry(radii, ratio, centerPosition, x, y, NODES_PER_ELEMENT, lengthAspect, filter=useFilter)) then
                        allElements(k,1) = e % eID
                        allElements(k,2) = e % globID
                        k = k + 1
                    end if
                end if find_or_not 

            end associate
        end do

        nElements = k - 1

    End Subroutine getAllInteriorElements
    Subroutine getBCFaces(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, centerPosition, lengthAspect, toExclude, toInclude, zoneMarkers, nBC, BCFaces, nBCFaces)

        use ElementConnectivityDefinitions, only: FACES_PER_ELEMENT
        implicit none

        type(HexMesh)                     , intent(in)          :: mesh
        procedure(elementInGeo)                                 :: isInGeometry
        real(kind=RP)                     , intent(in)          :: radii, ratio, lengthAspect
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2)       , intent(in)          :: centerPosition
        integer, dimension(:), intent(in)                       :: toInclude, toExclude
        integer, dimension(nBC), intent(in)                     :: zoneMarkers
        integer, intent(in)                                     :: nBC
        integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable, intent(out)       :: BCFaces
        integer, intent(out)                                    :: nBCFaces

        !local variables
        integer                                                 :: eID, i, k, fID
        integer, dimension(:,:), allocatable                    :: allElements, elementsTemp
        integer                                                 :: nElements
        character(len=LINE_LENGTH), dimension(nBC)              :: boundaryNames

        do i = 1, nBC
            boundaryNames(i) = trim(mesh % zones(zoneMarkers(i)) % Name)
        end do

        !get all BC elements IDs
        call getAllInteriorElements(mesh, isInGeometry, radii, ratio, centerPosition, lengthAspect, .false., toExclude, toInclude, allElements, nElements)
        elementsTemp = allElements(1:nElements,:)
        k = 0
        elems_loop:do eID = 1, nElements
            associate ( e => mesh % elements(elementsTemp(eID,1)) )
                do i = 1, FACES_PER_ELEMENT
                    if (any(boundaryNames .eq. e % boundaryName(i))) then
                        k = k + 1
                        allElements(k,:) = elementsTemp(eID,:)
                        cycle elems_loop
                    end if 
                end do
            end associate
        end do elems_loop

        nBCFaces = k
        elementsTemp = allElements(1:nBCFaces,:)
        call move_alloc(elementsTemp, allElements)
        ! get ID of the face that is on the corresponded BC
        elem_loop:do eID = 1, nBCFaces
            do i = 1, FACES_PER_ELEMENT
                fID = mesh % elements(allElements(eID,1)) % faceIDs(i)
                if (any(zoneMarkers .eq. mesh % faces(fID) % zone)) then
                    BCFaces(eID,1:2) = allElements(eID,:)
                    BCFaces(eID,3) = fID
                    cycle elem_loop
                end if 
            end do
            print *, "Warning, the element ", allElements(eID,1), "didn't found a BC face"
        end do elem_loop

    End Subroutine getBCFaces
    Subroutine getFirstFace(mesh, distanceToGeometry, eID, radii, ratio, centerPosition, fID)

        type(HexMesh), intent(in)                   :: mesh
        procedure(distaceToGeo)                     :: distanceToGeometry
        integer, intent(in)                         :: eID
        real(kind=RP), intent(in)                   :: radii, ratio
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2), intent(in)     :: centerPosition
        integer, intent(out)                        :: fID

        ! local variables
        integer                                     :: i, faceIndex
        integer                                     :: Nx,Ny
        integer, dimension(6)                       :: fIDs
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2)                 :: faceCenter
        real(kind=RP), dimension(6)                 :: faceDistance

        fIDs = mesh % elements(eID) % faceIDs
        do i = 1, 6
            associate ( f => mesh % faces(fIDs(i)) )
                Nx = f % Nf(1)
                Ny = f % Nf(2)
                associate (x => f % geom % x)
                    if (x(3,0,0) .eq. x(3,Nx,Ny)) then
                        faceDistance(i) = huge(x(1,0,0))
                    end if
                    faceCenter(1) = (x(1,0,0) + x(1,Nx,Ny)) / 2.0_RP
                    faceCenter(2) = (x(2,0,0) + x(2,Nx,Ny)) / 2.0_RP
                end associate
            end associate
            faceDistance(i) = abs(distanceToGeometry(radii, ratio, centerposition, faceCenter(1), faceCenter(2)))
        end do

        faceIndex = minloc(faceDistance, dim=1)
        fID = fIDs(faceIndex)

    End Subroutine getFirstFace
    Subroutine getAdditionalElements(mesh, BCeID, numberOfElements, zoneMarkers, zN, newEIDs, realNumberOfElements)

        use ElementConnectivityDefinitions, only: normalAxis, FACES_PER_ELEMENT
        use ElementClass
        implicit none

        type(HexMesh), target, intent(in)               :: mesh
        integer, intent(in)                             :: BCeID, numberOfElements, zN
        integer, dimension(zN), intent(in)              :: zoneMarkers
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable, intent(out) :: newEIDs
        integer, intent(out)                            :: realNumberOfElements

        ! local variables
        integer                                         :: i, j, neID, zoneID
        class(Element), pointer                         :: e, BCe
        integer                                         :: thisMarker, fBCindex, conIndex, conNormal
        integer, dimension(:), allocatable              :: nEs

        realNumberOfElements = 0
        BCe => mesh%elements(BCeID)

        zone_loop: do i = 1, zN
            zoneID = zoneMarkers(i)
            face_loop: do j = 1, FACES_PER_ELEMENT
                if ( trim(mesh % zones(zoneID) % Name) /= trim(BCe % boundaryName(j)) ) cycle face_loop
                thisMarker = i
                fBCindex = j
                ! thisMarker = zoneID
                exit zone_loop
            end do face_loop
        end do zone_loop

        e => BCe
        allocate( nEs(numberOfElements) )

        do i = 1, numberOfElements
            nEs(i) = e%eID
            realNumberOfElements = realNumberOfElements + 1
            conNormal = normalAxis(fBCindex) * (-1)
            ! conIndex = findloc(normalAxis, conNormal, dim=1)
            conIndex = maxloc(merge(1.0, 0.0, normalAxis == conNormal), dim=1)
            neID = e % Connection(conIndex) % globID
            if (neID .eq. 0) exit
            e => mesh % elements(neID)
        end do

        !todo check that new bc have been reached

        newEIDs = nEs(1:realNumberOfElements)

    End Subroutine getAdditionalElements
! isInGeometry functions
    Function isInEllipse(mayorAxis, ratio, centerPosition, x, y, N, lengthAspect, filter) result(isIn)

        real(kind=RP)               , intent(in)    :: mayorAxis, ratio, lengthAspect
        real(kind=RP), dimension(N) , intent(in)    :: x, y
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2) , intent(in)    :: centerPosition
        integer                     , intent(in)    :: N
        logical, optional           , intent(in)    :: filter
        logical                                     :: isIn

        ! local variables
        integer                                     :: i, j, k
        real(kind=RP)                               :: rEllipse, rdiff, eSize
        real(kind=RP)                               :: r, xx, yy, xs(2), rs(2), xEllipse, yEllipse
        real(kind=RP)                               :: xo, yo
        real(kind=RP), dimension(:,:), allocatable  :: rCalcsqr
        logical                                     :: onlyExternal

        if (present(filter)) then
            onlyExternal = filter
            onlyExternal = .false.
        end if 

        isIn = .false.
        xo = centerPosition(1)
        yo = centerPosition(2)
        k = 1
        do i = 1, N
            rEllipse = POW2(x(i) - xo) + POW2( (y(i) - yo) / ratio )
            if ( POW2(mayorAxis) .lt. rEllipse ) return
            rCalcsqr(k,1) = x(i)
            rCalcsqr(k,2) = y(i)
            rCalcsqr(k,3) = POW2(x(i) - xo) + POW2(y(i) - yo)
            k = k + 1
        end do
        if (onlyExternal) then
            k = maxloc(rCalcsqr(:,3),dim=1)
            xx = rCalcsqr(k,1)
            yy = rCalcsqr(k,2)
            rdiff = distanceToEllipse(mayoraxis, ratio, centerposition, xx, yy)
            eSize = getElementSize(x, y, centerPosition, N)
            if ( abs(rdiff) .gt. eSize*lengthAspect ) return
        end if
        isIn = .true.

    End Function isInEllipse
    Function isInCircle(r, ratio, centerPosition, x, y, N, lengthAspect, filter) result(isIn)

        real(kind=RP)               , intent(in)    :: r, ratio, lengthAspect
        real(kind=RP), dimension(N) , intent(in)    :: x, y
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2) , intent(in)    :: centerPosition
        integer                     , intent(in)    :: N
        logical, optional           , intent(in)    :: filter
        logical                                     :: isIn

        ! local variables
        integer                                     :: i, j, k
        real(kind=RP)                               :: rdiff, eSize
        real(kind=RP)                               :: xo, yo
        real(kind=RP), dimension(:), allocatable    :: rCalcsqr
        logical                                     :: onlyExternal

        if (present(filter)) then
            onlyExternal = filter
            onlyExternal = .false.
        end if 

        isIn = .false.
        xo = centerPosition(1)
        yo = centerPosition(2)
        k = 1
        do i = 1, N
            rCalcsqr(k) = POW2(x(i) - xo) + POW2(y(i) - yo)
            if ( POW2(r) .lt. rCalcsqr(k) ) return
            k = k + 1
        end do
        if (onlyExternal) then
            rdiff = r - sqrt(maxval(rCalcsqr))
            eSize = sqrt(POW2(x(N) - x(1)) + POW2(y(N) - y(1)))
            if ( abs(rdiff) .gt. eSize*lengthAspect ) return
        end if
        isIn = .true.

    End Function isInCircle

! distance to geometry functions
    Function distanceToEllipse(mayorAxis, ratio, centerPosition, x, y) result(rdiff)

        use Utilities, only: AlmostEqual
        implicit none

        real(kind=RP), intent(in)                   :: mayorAxis, ratio, x, y
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2), intent(in)     :: centerPosition
        real(kind=RP)                               :: rdiff

        ! local variables
        integer                                     :: k
        real(kind=RP)                               :: a, b, c, m, yint ! line equation and quadratic coefficients
        real(kind=RP)                               :: xo, yo
        real(kind=RP)                               :: r, xs(2), rs(2), xEllipse, yEllipse, rPoint

        xo = centerPosition(1)
        yo = centerPosition(2)

        vertical_case: if (AlmostEqual(x, xo)) then
            a = 1
            b = -2*yo
            c = POW2(yo) - POW2(mayorAxis * ratio)
            xs(1) = (-b + sqrt(POW2(b) - 4*a*c))/(2.0_RP*a)
            xs(2) = (-b - sqrt(POW2(b) - 4*a*c))/(2.0_RP*a)
            rs(1) = abs(y - xs(1))
            rs(2) = abs(y - xs(2))
            k = minloc(rs,dim=1)
            yEllipse = xs(k)
            r = abs(yEllipse - yo)
            rPoint = abs(y - yo)
        else vertical_case
            ! get line equation from center to corner of element
            m = (y - yo) / (x - xo)
            yint = yo - m*xo
            ! solve quadratic equation of intersection between ellipse and line
            a = 1 + POW2(m/ratio)
            b = -2*xo + 2*m*(yint-yo)/POW2(ratio)
            c = POW2((yint-yo)/ratio) + POW2(xo) - POW2(mayorAxis)
            xs(1) = (-b + sqrt(POW2(b) - 4*a*c))/(2.0_RP*a)
            xs(2) = (-b - sqrt(POW2(b) - 4*a*c))/(2.0_RP*a)
            rs(1) = abs(x - xs(1))
            rs(2) = abs(x - xs(2))
            k = minloc(rs,dim=1)
            xEllipse = xs(k)
            yEllipse = m*xEllipse + yint
            ! get the distance from center to intersection
            r= sqrt(POW2(xEllipse - xo) + POW2(yEllipse - yo))
            rPoint = sqrt(POW2(x - xo) + POW2(y - yo))
        end if vertical_case 

        rdiff = rPoint - r

    End Function distanceToEllipse
    Function distaceToCircle(r, ratio, centerPosition, x, y) result(rdiff)

        use Utilities, only: AlmostEqual
        implicit none

        real(kind=RP), intent(in)                   :: r, ratio, x, y
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2), intent(in)     :: centerPosition
        real(kind=RP)                               :: rdiff

        ! local variables
        real(kind=RP)                               :: xo, yo, rPoint

        xo = centerPosition(1)
        yo = centerPosition(2)

        rPoint = sqrt(POW2(x - xo) + POW2(y - yo))
        rdiff = rPoint - r

    End Function distaceToCircle
! extra helper functions
    Function getElementSize(x, y, centerPosition, N) result(eS)

        real(kind=RP), dimension(N), intent(in)     :: x, y
        real(kind=RP), dimension(2), intent(in)     :: centerPosition
        integer , intent(in)                        :: N
        real(kind=RP)                               :: eS

        ! local variables
        integer                                     :: i, j, k
        real(kind=RP)                               :: r, dx, dy, eps
        real(kind=RP)                               :: xo, yo

        ! eps = 0.15_RP
        ! eps = 0.25_RP
        eps = 0.3_RP
        xo = centerPosition(1)
        yo = centerPosition(2)
        r = POW2(x(1) - xo) + POW2(y(1) - yo)
        dx = (abs(x(1) - xo)) / r
        dy = (abs(y(1) - yo)) / r

        if (dy .le. eps) then
            eS = maxval(x) - minval(x)
        elseif (dx .le. eps) then
            eS = maxval(y) - minval(y)
            eS = sqrt( POW2(maxval(x) - minval(x)) + POW2(maxval(y) - minval(y)) )
        end if 

    End Function getElementSize
End Module FWHPreSurface