GenericBoundaryConditionClass.f90 Source File

Source Code

#include "Includes.h"
module GenericBoundaryConditionClass
   use SMConstants
   use PhysicsStorage
   use FTValueDictionaryClass, only: FTValueDictionary
   use VariableConversion, only: GetGradientValues_f
   use FluidData
   implicit none
!  *****************************
!  Default everything to private
!  *****************************
!  ****************
!  Public variables
!  ****************
   public NS_BC, C_BC, MU_BC
!  ******************
!  Public definitions
!  ******************
   public GenericBC_t, GetValueWithDefault, CheckIfBoundaryNameIsContained
!  ****************************
!  Static variables definitions
!  ****************************
   enum, bind(C)
      enumerator :: NONE_BC
      enumerator :: NS_BC
      enumerator :: C_BC, MU_BC
   end enum
!  ****************
!  Class definition
!  ****************
   type GenericBC_t
      logical                    :: constructed = .false.
      character(len=LINE_LENGTH) :: bname
      character(len=LINE_LENGTH) :: BCType
      integer                    :: currentEqn = 1
         procedure         :: Destruct          => GenericBC_Destruct
         procedure         :: Describe          => GenericBC_Describe
         procedure         :: GetPeriodicPair   => GenericBC_GetPeriodicPair
#ifdef FLOW
         procedure         :: FlowState         => GenericBC_FlowState
         procedure         :: FlowGradVars      => GenericBC_FlowGradVars
         procedure         :: FlowNeumann       => GenericBC_FlowNeumann
         procedure         :: PhaseFieldState   => GenericBC_PhaseFieldState
         procedure         :: PhaseFieldNeumann => GenericBC_PhaseFieldNeumann
         procedure         :: ChemPotState      => GenericBC_ChemPotState
         procedure         :: ChemPotNeumann    => GenericBC_ChemPotNeumann
#ifdef SCALAR  
         procedure         :: SlrState         => GenericBC_SlrState
         procedure         :: SlrGradVars      => GenericBC_SlrGradVars
         procedure         :: SlrNeumann       => GenericBC_SlrNeumann
         procedure         :: StateForEqn
         procedure         :: GradVarsForEqn
         procedure         :: NeumannForEqn
   end type GenericBC_t
!  *******************************************************************
!  Traditionally, constructors are exported with the name of the class
!  *******************************************************************
   interface GenericBC_t
      module procedure ConstructGenericBC
   end interface GenericBC_t
!  *******************
!  Function prototypes
!  *******************
   abstract interface
   end interface
!  ========
!  ========
!        Class constructor
!        -----------------
      function ConstructGenericBC()
!        ************************************************************
!        This is a default constructor (i.e. without input arguments)
!        ************************************************************
         implicit none
         type(GenericBC_t)  :: ConstructGenericBC
         print*, "Default Boundary condition class can not be constructed."
         error stop

      end function ConstructGenericBC
!        Class destructors
!        -----------------
      subroutine GenericBC_Destruct(self)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t)    :: self

         if (.not. self % constructed) return
      end subroutine GenericBC_Destruct
!        This subroutine allows to call the State/Neumann for generic equations
!        ----------------------------------------------------------------------
      subroutine StateForEqn(self, nEqn, x, t, nHat, Q)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         integer,             intent(in)    :: nEqn
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: Q(nEqn)

#ifdef SCALAR
         call self % SlrState(x, t, nHat, Q)

#elif !defined(CAHNHILLIARD)
         call self % FlowState(x, t, nHat, Q)
         select case(self % currentEqn)
#ifdef FLOW
            call self % FlowState(x, t, nHat, Q)
            call self % PhaseFieldState(x, t, nHat, Q)
            call self % ChemPotState(x, t, nHat, Q)

         end select

      end subroutine StateForEqn

      subroutine GradVarsForEqn(self, nEqn, nGradEqn, x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         integer,             intent(in)    :: nEqn
         integer,             intent(in)    :: nGradEqn
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(nEqn)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: U(nGradEqn)
         procedure(GetGradientValues_f)     :: GetGradients

#ifdef SCALAR
      call self % SlrGradvars(x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients)   

#elif !defined(CAHNHILLIARD)
         call self % FlowGradVars(x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients)
         select case(self % currentEqn)
#ifdef FLOW
            call self % FlowGradVars(x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients)
            call self % PhaseFieldState(x, t, nHat, U)
            call self % ChemPotState(x, t, nHat, U)

         end select

      end subroutine GradVarsForEqn

      subroutine NeumannForEqn(self, nEqn, nGradEqn, x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         integer,             intent(in)    :: nEqn
         integer,             intent(in)    :: nGradEqn
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(nEqn)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_x(nGradEqn)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_y(nGradEqn)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_z(nGradEqn)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: flux(nEqn)

         select case(self % currentEqn)
            call self % PhaseFieldNeumann(x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)
            call self % ChemPotNeumann(x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)

         case default
            print*, "Unexpected equation choice"
            error stop

         end select
         print*, "This function is only supported for Cahn-Hilliard"
         error stop
      end subroutine NeumannForEqn
!        Subroutines for Navier--Stokes equations
!        ----------------------------------------
#ifdef FLOW
      subroutine GenericBC_FlowState(self, x, t, nHat, Q)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: Q(NCONS)
      end subroutine GenericBC_FlowState

      subroutine GenericBC_FlowGradVars(self, x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: U(NGRAD)
         procedure(GetGradientValues_f)     :: GetGradients
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         real(kind=RP)  :: Q_aux(NCONS), U_aux(NGRAD), rho

         Q_aux = Q
         U_aux = U

         call self % FlowState(x,t,nHat,Q_aux)

!        Set the chemical potential to the interior
!        ------------------------------------------
         rho = dimensionless % rho(1) * Q_aux(IMC) + dimensionless % rho(2) * (1.0_RP-Q_aux(IMC))
         rho = min(max(rho, dimensionless % rho_min),dimensionless % rho_max)
         call GetGradients(NCONS,NGRAD,Q_aux, U_aux, rho)
         U_aux(IGMU) = U(IGMU)
         call GetGradients(NCONS,NGRAD,Q_aux, U_aux)

         U = 0.5_RP * (U_aux + U)

      end subroutine GenericBC_FlowGradVars

      subroutine GenericBC_FlowNeumann(self, x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_x(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_y(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_z(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: flux(NCONS)
      end subroutine GenericBC_FlowNeumann
!        Subroutines for Cahn--Hilliard
!        ------------------------------
      subroutine GenericBC_PhaseFieldState(self, x, t, nHat, Q)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: Q(NCOMP)
      end subroutine GenericBC_PhaseFieldState

      subroutine GenericBC_PhaseFieldNeumann(self, x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_x(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_y(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_z(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: flux(NCOMP)
      end subroutine GenericBC_PhaseFieldNeumann

      subroutine GenericBC_ChemPotState(self, x, t, nHat, Q)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: Q(NCOMP)
      end subroutine GenericBC_ChemPotState

      subroutine GenericBC_ChemPotNeumann(self, x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_x(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_y(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_z(NCOMP)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: flux(NCOMP)
      end subroutine GenericBC_ChemPotNeumann

      subroutine GenericBC_Describe(self)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)  :: self
      end subroutine GenericBC_Describe

      subroutine GenericBC_GetPeriodicPair(self, bname)
!        *****************************************
!        Only for periodic BCs, empty for the rest
!        *****************************************
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)  :: self
         character(len=*), intent(out) :: bname
      end subroutine GenericBC_GetPeriodicPair
!        Subroutines for Scalar
!        ------------------------------
#ifdef SCALAR
      subroutine GenericBC_SlrState(self, x, t, nHat, Q)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: Q(NCONS)
      end subroutine GenericBC_SlrState

      subroutine GenericBC_SlrGradVars(self, x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: U(NGRAD)
         procedure(GetGradientValues_f)     :: GetGradients
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         real(kind=RP)  :: Q_aux(NCONS), U_aux(NGRAD), rho

         Q_aux = Q
         U_aux = U

         call self % SlrState(x,t,nHat,Q_aux)

         U = 0.5_RP * (U_aux + U)

      end subroutine GenericBC_SlrGradVars

      subroutine GenericBC_SlrNeumann(self, x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux)
         implicit none
         class(GenericBC_t),  intent(in)    :: self
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_x(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_y(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(in)    :: U_z(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP),       intent(inout) :: flux(NCONS)
      end subroutine GenericBC_SlrNeumann
!        Some utilities
!        --------------
      subroutine GetValueWithDefault(controlVariables, keyword, default, val)
         implicit none
         type(FTValueDictionary),    intent(in)  :: controlVariables
         character(len=*),           intent(in)  :: keyword
         real(kind=RP),              intent(in)  :: default
         real(kind=RP),              intent(out) :: val
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         if ( controlVariables % ContainsKey(trim(keyword)) ) then
            val = controlVariables % DoublePrecisionValueForKey(trim(keyword))
            val = default
         end if
      end subroutine GetValueWithDefault

      logical function CheckIfBoundaryNameIsContained(line, bname)
!        **********************************************************************
!        We will allow several boundary names defined within a single region.
!           They should be separated by two underscores (e.g. bname1__bname2)
!        **********************************************************************
         implicit none
         character(len=*), intent(in)  :: line
         character(len=*), intent(in)  :: bname
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         integer     :: pos1, pos2
         character(len=LINE_LENGTH) :: str, curName
         logical     :: found

         str = "#define boundary"
!        Exit if not a #define boundary sentinel
!        ---------------------------------------
         if ( line(1:len_trim(str)) .ne. trim(str) ) then
            CheckIfBoundaryNameIsContained = .false.
         end if
!        Get only the boundary names
!        ---------------------------
         str = adjustl(line(len_trim(str)+1:len_trim(line)))
!        Exit if empty
!        -------------
         if (len_trim(str) .eq. 0) then
            CheckIfBoundaryNameIsContained = .false.
         end if
!        Check the entries
!        -----------------
         pos1 = 1
         pos2 = len_trim(str)
         found = .false.
         do while(pos2 .ne. 0)
            pos2 = index(str(pos1:len_trim(str)),"__") + pos1 - 1
            if ( pos2 .eq. pos1-1 ) then
!              Last iteration
!              --------------
               curName = str(pos1:len_trim(str))
               pos2 = 0
               curName = str(pos1:pos2-1)
            end if

            if ( trim(curName) .eq. trim(bname) ) then
               found = .true.
               CheckIfBoundaryNameIsContained = .true.
               pos1 = pos2+2
            end if
         end do

         CheckIfBoundarynameIsContained = .false.

      end function CheckIfBoundaryNameIsContained

end module GenericBoundaryConditionClass