Probe.f90 Source File

Source Code

#include "Includes.h"
#ifdef FLOW
module ProbeClass
   use SMConstants
   use HexMeshClass
   use MonitorDefinitions
   use PhysicsStorage
   use VariableConversion
   use MPI_Process_Info
   use FluidData
   use FileReadingUtilities, only: getRealArrayFromString
   use NodalStorageClass   , only: NodalStorage
#ifdef _HAS_MPI_
   use mpi
   implicit none
   public   Probe_t
!  **********************
!  Probe class definition
!  **********************
   type Probe_t
      logical                         :: active
      integer                         :: rank
      integer                         :: ID
      integer                         :: eID
      real(kind=RP)                   :: x(NDIM)
      real(kind=RP)                   :: xi(NDIM)
      real(kind=RP), allocatable      :: values(:)
      real(kind=RP), allocatable      :: lxi(:) , leta(:), lzeta(:)
      character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS) :: fileName
      character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS) :: monitorName
      character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS) :: variable
         procedure   :: Initialization => Probe_Initialization
         procedure   :: Update         => Probe_Update
         procedure   :: WriteLabel     => Probe_WriteLabel
         procedure   :: WriteValues    => Probe_WriteValue
         procedure   :: WriteToFile    => Probe_WriteToFile
         procedure   :: LookInOtherPartitions => Probe_LookInOtherPartitions
         procedure   :: destruct       => Probe_Destruct
         procedure   :: copy           => Probe_Assign
         generic     :: assignment(=)  => copy
   end type Probe_t


      subroutine Probe_Initialization(self, mesh, ID, solution_file, FirstCall)
         use ParamfileRegions
         use MPI_Process_Info
         use Utilities, only: toLower
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t)          :: self
         class(HexMesh)          :: mesh
         integer                 :: ID
         character(len=*)        :: solution_file
         logical, intent(in)     :: FirstCall
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         integer                          :: i, j, k, fid
         character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS)  :: in_label
         character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS)  :: fileName
         character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS)  :: paramFile
         character(len=STR_LEN_MONITORS)  :: coordinates
         if (FirstCall) then
!           Allocate memory
!           ---------------
            allocate ( self % values(BUFFER_SIZE) )
!           Get monitor ID
!           --------------
            self % ID = ID
!           Search for the parameters in the case file
!           ------------------------------------------
            write(in_label , '(A,I0)') "#define probe " , self % ID
            call get_command_argument(1, paramFile)
            call readValueInRegion(trim(paramFile), "name"    , self % monitorName, in_label, "# end" )
            call readValueInRegion(trim(paramFile), "variable", self % variable   , in_label, "# end" )
            call readValueInRegion(trim(paramFile), "position", coordinates       , in_label, "# end" )
!           Get the coordinates
!           -------------------
            self % x = getRealArrayFromString(coordinates)
!           Check the variable
!           ------------------
            call tolower(self % variable)

            select case ( trim(self % variable) )
            case ("pressure")
            case ("velocity")
            case ("u")
            case ("v")
            case ("w")
            case ("mach")
            case ("k")
            case default
               print*, 'Probe variable "',trim(self % variable),'" not implemented.'
               print*, "Options available are:"
               print*, "   * pressure"
               print*, "   * velocity"
               print*, "   * u"
               print*, "   * v"
               print*, "   * w"
               print*, "   * Mach"
               print*, "   * K"
            end select
#ifdef INCNS
            case default
               print*, "Probes are not implemented for the incompressible NSE"
            end select
            case ("static-pressure")

            case default
               print*, 'Probe variable "',trim(self % variable),'" not implemented.'
               print*, "Options available are:"
               print*, "   * static-pressure"

            end select
!           Find the requested point in the mesh
!           ------------------------------------
            self % active = mesh % FindPointWithCoords(self % x, self % eID, self % xi)
!           Check whether the probe is located in other partition
!           -----------------------------------------------------
            call self % LookInOtherPartitions
!           Disable the probe if the point is not found
!           -------------------------------------------
            if ( .not. self % active ) then
               if ( MPI_Process % isRoot ) then
                  write(STD_OUT,'(A,I0,A)') "Probe ", ID, " was not successfully initialized."
                  print*, "Probe is set to inactive."
               end if

            end if
!           Set the fileName
!           ----------------
            write( self % fileName , '(A,A,A,A)') trim(solution_file) , "." , &
                                               trim(self % monitorName) , ".probe"  
         end if
!           Return if the process does not contain the partition
!           ----------------------------------------------------
         if ( self % rank .ne. MPI_Process % rank ) then
            self % eID = 1
         end if
!        If this is not the first call, just reload the reference frame coordinates
!        --------------------------------------------------------------------------
         if (.not. firstCall) self % active = mesh % elements(self % eID) % FindPointWithCoords(self % x,mesh % dir2D_ctrl, self % xi)
!        Get the Lagrange interpolants
!        -----------------------------
         associate(e => mesh % elements(self % eID))
         associate( spAxi   => NodalStorage(e % Nxyz(1)), &
                    spAeta  => NodalStorage(e % Nxyz(2)), &
                    spAzeta => NodalStorage(e % Nxyz(3)) )
         safedeallocate(self % lxi  ) ; allocate( self % lxi(0 : e % Nxyz(1)) )
         safedeallocate(self % leta ) ; allocate( self % leta(0 : e % Nxyz(2)) )
         safedeallocate(self % lzeta) ; allocate( self % lzeta(0 : e % Nxyz(3)) )
         self % lxi = spAxi % lj(self % xi(1))
         self % leta = spAeta % lj(self % xi(2))
         self % lzeta = spAzeta % lj(self % xi(3))
!        ****************
!        Prepare the file
!        ****************
!        Create file
!        -----------
         if (FirstCall) then
            open ( newunit = fID , file = trim(self % fileName) , status = "unknown" , action = "write" ) 
!        Write the file headers
!        ----------------------
            write( fID , '(A20,A  )') "Monitor name:      ", trim(self % monitorName)
            write( fID , '(A20,A  )') "Selected variable: " , trim(self % variable)
            write( fID , '(A20,ES24.10)') "x coordinate: ", self % x(1)
            write( fID , '(A20,ES24.10)') "y coordinate: ", self % x(2)
            write( fID , '(A20,ES24.10)') "z coordinate: ", self % x(3)

            write( fID , * )
            write( fID , '(A10,2X,A24,2X,A24)' ) "Iteration" , "Time" , trim(self % variable)

            close ( fID )
         end if
         end associate
         end associate
      end subroutine Probe_Initialization

      subroutine Probe_Update(self, mesh, bufferPosition)
         use Physics
         use MPI_Process_Info
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t) :: self
         class(HexMesh)                   :: mesh
         integer                          :: bufferPosition
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         integer        :: i, j, k, ierr
         real(kind=RP)  :: value
         real(kind=RP)  :: var(0:mesh % elements(self % eID) % Nxyz(1),&
                               0:mesh % elements(self % eID) % Nxyz(2),&
                               0:mesh % elements(self % eID) % Nxyz(3)  )

         if ( .not. self % active ) return 

         if ( MPI_Process % rank .eq. self % rank ) then
!           Update the probe
!           ----------------
            associate( e => mesh % elements(self % eID) )
            associate( Q => e % storage % Q )
            select case (trim(self % variable))
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2)  ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1) 
                  var(i,j,k) = Pressure(Q(:,i,j,k))
               end do            ; end do             ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1)
                  var(i,j,k) = sqrt(POW2(Q(IRHOU,i,j,k)) + POW2(Q(IRHOV,i,j,k)) + POW2(Q(IRHOW,i,j,k)))/Q(IRHO,i,j,k)
               end do         ; end do         ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2)  ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1) 
                  var(i,j,k) = Q(IRHOU,i,j,k) / Q(IRHO,i,j,k)
               end do            ; end do             ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2)  ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1) 
                  var(i,j,k) = Q(IRHOV,i,j,k) / Q(IRHO,i,j,k)
               end do            ; end do             ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2)  ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1) 
                  var(i,j,k) = Q(IRHOW,i,j,k) / Q(IRHO,i,j,k)
               end do            ; end do             ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1)
                  var(i,j,k) = POW2(Q(IRHOU,i,j,k)) + POW2(Q(IRHOV,i,j,k)) + POW2(Q(IRHOW,i,j,k))/POW2(Q(IRHO,i,j,k))     ! Vabs**2
                  var(i,j,k) = sqrt( var(i,j,k) / ( thermodynamics % gamma*(thermodynamics % gamma-1.0_RP)*(Q(IRHOE,i,j,k)/Q(IRHO,i,j,k)-0.5_RP * var(i,j,k)) ) )
               end do         ; end do         ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1)
                  var(i,j,k) = 0.5_RP * (POW2(Q(IRHOU,i,j,k)) + POW2(Q(IRHOV,i,j,k)) + POW2(Q(IRHOW,i,j,k)))/Q(IRHO,i,j,k)
               end do         ; end do         ; end do
               do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1)
                  var(i,j,k) = Q(IMP,i,j,k) + Q(IMC,i,j,k)*e % storage % mu(1,i,j,k) - 12.0_RP*multiphase%sigma*multiphase%invEps*(POW2(Q(IMC,i,j,k)*(1.0_RP-Q(IMC,i,j,k)))) &
                               - 0.25_RP*3.0_RP*multiphase % sigma * multiphase % eps * (POW2(e % storage % c_x(1,i,j,k))+POW2(e % storage % c_y(1,i,j,k))+POW2(e % storage % c_z(1,i,j,k)))
               end do         ; end do         ; end do
            end select
            value = 0.0_RP
            do k = 0, e % Nxyz(3)    ; do j = 0, e % Nxyz(2)  ; do i = 0, e % Nxyz(1)
               value = value + var(i,j,k) * self % lxi(i) * self % leta(j) * self % lzeta(k)
            end do               ; end do             ; end do
            self % values(bufferPosition) = value
            end associate
            end associate
#ifdef _HAS_MPI_            
            if ( MPI_Process % doMPIAction ) then
!              Share the result with the rest of the processes
!              -----------------------------------------------         
               call mpi_bcast(value, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, self % rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

            end if
!           Receive the result from the rank that contains the probe
!           --------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef _HAS_MPI_
            if ( MPI_Process % doMPIAction ) then
               call mpi_bcast(self % values(bufferPosition), 1, MPI_DOUBLE, self % rank, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
            end if
         end if
      end subroutine Probe_Update

      subroutine Probe_WriteLabel ( self )
!        *************************************************************
!              This subroutine writes the label for the probe,
!           when invoked from the time integrator Display
!           procedure.
!        *************************************************************
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t)             :: self

         write(STD_OUT , '(3X,A10)' , advance = "no") trim(self % monitorName(1 : MONITOR_LENGTH))

      end subroutine Probe_WriteLabel

      subroutine Probe_WriteValue ( self , bufferLine ) 
!        *************************************************************
!              This subroutine writes the monitor value for the time
!           integrator Display procedure.
!        *************************************************************
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t) :: self
         integer                 :: bufferLine

         write(STD_OUT , '(1X,A,1X,ES10.3)' , advance = "no") "|" , self % values ( bufferLine ) 

      end subroutine Probe_WriteValue 

      subroutine Probe_WriteToFile ( self , iter , t , no_of_lines)
!        *************************************************************
!              This subroutine writes the buffer to the file.
!        *************************************************************
         implicit none  
         class(Probe_t) :: self
         integer                 :: iter(:)
         real(kind=RP)           :: t(:)
         integer                 :: no_of_lines
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         integer                    :: i
         integer                    :: fID

         if ( MPI_Process % isRoot ) then
            open( newunit = fID , file = trim ( self % fileName ) , action = "write" , access = "append" , status = "old" )
            do i = 1 , no_of_lines
               write( fID , '(I10,2X,ES24.16,2X,ES24.16)' ) iter(i) , t(i) , self % values(i)

            end do
            close ( fID )
         end if

         if ( no_of_lines .ne. 0 ) self % values(1) = self % values(no_of_lines)
      end subroutine Probe_WriteToFile

      subroutine Probe_LookInOtherPartitions(self)
         use MPI_Process_Info
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t)    :: self
         integer           :: allActives(MPI_Process % nProcs)
         integer           :: active, ierr

         if ( MPI_Process % doMPIAction ) then
#ifdef _HAS_MPI_
!           Cast the logicals onto integers
!           -------------------------------
            if ( self % active ) then
               active = 1
               active = 0
            end if
!           Gather all data from all processes
!           ----------------------------------
            call mpi_allgather(active, 1, MPI_INT, allActives, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
!           Check if any of them found the probe
!           ------------------------------------
            if ( any(allActives .eq. 1) ) then
!              Assign the domain of the partition that contains the probe
!              ----------------------------------------------------------
               self % active = .true.
               self % rank = maxloc(allActives, dim = 1) - 1

!              Disable the probe
!              -----------------
               self % active = .false.
               self % rank   = -1

            end if
!           Without MPI select the rank 0 as default
!           ----------------------------------------
            self % rank = 0

         end if

      end subroutine Probe_LookInOtherPartitions
      elemental subroutine Probe_Destruct (self)
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t), intent(inout) :: self
         safedeallocate (self % values)
         safedeallocate (self % lxi)
         safedeallocate (self % leta)
         safedeallocate (self % lzeta)
      end subroutine Probe_Destruct
      elemental subroutine Probe_Assign (to, from)
         implicit none
         class(Probe_t), intent(inout) :: to
         type(Probe_t) , intent(in) :: from
         to % active = from % active
         to % rank = from % rank
         to % ID = from %  ID
         to % eID = from % eID 
         to % x = from % x
         to % xi = from % xi
         safedeallocate ( to % values )
         allocate ( to % values ( size(from % values) ) )
         to % values = from % values
         safedeallocate ( to % lxi )
         allocate ( to % lxi ( size(from % lxi) ) )
         to % lxi = from % lxi
         safedeallocate ( to % leta )
         allocate ( to % leta ( size(from % leta) ) )
         to % leta = from % leta
         safedeallocate ( to % lzeta )
         allocate ( to % lzeta ( size(from % lzeta) ) )
         to % lzeta = from % lzeta
         to % fileName = from % fileName
         to % monitorName = from % monitorName
         to % variable = from % variable
      end subroutine Probe_Assign
end module ProbeClass