ProblemFile.f90 Source File

Source Code

!      The Problem File contains user defined procedures
!      that are used to "personalize" i.e. define a specific
!      problem to be solved. These procedures include initial conditions,
!      exact solutions (e.g. for tests), etc. and allow modifications 
!      without having to modify the main code.
!      The procedures, *even if empty* that must be defined are
!      UserDefinedSetUp
!      UserDefinedInitialCondition(mesh)
!      UserDefinedPeriodicOperation(mesh)
!      UserDefinedFinalize(mesh)
!      UserDefinedTermination
#include "Includes.h"
module ProblemFileFunctions
   implicit none

   abstract interface
      subroutine UserDefinedStartup_f
      end subroutine UserDefinedStartup_f
      SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalSetup_f(mesh &
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
                                     , thermodynamics_ &
                                     , dimensionless_  &
                                     , refValues_ & 
                                     , multiphase_ &
         USE HexMeshClass
         use FluidData
         CLASS(HexMesh)                      :: mesh
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)  :: refValues_
         type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)  :: multiphase_
      END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalSetup_f

      subroutine UserDefinedInitialCondition_f(mesh &
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
                                     , thermodynamics_ &
                                     , dimensionless_  &
                                     , refValues_ & 
                                     , multiphase_ &
         use smconstants
         use physicsstorage
         use hexmeshclass
         use fluiddata
         implicit none
         class(hexmesh)                      :: mesh
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)  :: refValues_
         type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)  :: multiphase_
      end subroutine UserDefinedInitialCondition_f
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
      subroutine UserDefinedState_f(x, t, nHat, Q, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_)
         use SMConstants
         use PhysicsStorage
         use FluidData
         implicit none
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: t
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP), intent(inout)       :: Q(NCONS)
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in) :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in) :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in) :: refValues_
      end subroutine UserDefinedState_f

      subroutine UserDefinedGradVars_f(x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_)
         use SMConstants
         use PhysicsStorage
         use FluidData
         use VariableConversion, only: GetGradientValues_f
         implicit none
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: t
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP), intent(inout)       :: U(NGRAD)
         procedure(GetGradientValues_f)     :: GetGradients
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in) :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in) :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in) :: refValues_
      end subroutine UserDefinedGradVars_f

      subroutine UserDefinedNeumann_f(x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_)
         use SMConstants
         use PhysicsStorage
         use FluidData
         implicit none
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: t
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: U_x(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: U_y(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: U_z(NGRAD)
         real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: flux(NCONS)
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in) :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in) :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in) :: refValues_
      end subroutine UserDefinedNeumann_f

      SUBROUTINE UserDefinedPeriodicOperation_f(mesh, time, dt, Monitors)
         use SMConstants
         USE HexMeshClass
         use MonitorsClass
         CLASS(HexMesh)               :: mesh
         REAL(KIND=RP)                :: time
         REAL(KIND=RP)                :: dt
         type(Monitor_t), intent(in) :: monitors
      END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedPeriodicOperation_f
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
      subroutine UserDefinedSourceTermNS_f(x, Q, time, S, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_ &
,multiphase_ &
         use SMConstants
         USE HexMeshClass
         use FluidData
         use PhysicsStorage
         real(kind=RP),             intent(in)  :: x(NDIM)
         real(kind=RP),             intent(in)  :: Q(NCONS)
         real(kind=RP),             intent(in)  :: time
         real(kind=RP),             intent(inout) :: S(NCONS)
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)  :: refValues_
         type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)  :: multiphase_
      end subroutine UserDefinedSourceTermNS_f
      SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalize_f(mesh, time, iter, maxResidual &
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
                                                 , thermodynamics_ &
                                                 , dimensionless_  &
                                                 , refValues_ & 
                                                 , multiphase_ &
                                                 , monitors, &
                                                   elapsedTime, &
                                                   CPUTime   )
         use SMConstants
         USE HexMeshClass
         use FluidData
         use MonitorsClass
         CLASS(HexMesh)                        :: mesh
         REAL(KIND=RP)                         :: time
         integer                               :: iter
         real(kind=RP)                         :: maxResidual
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
         type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)    :: thermodynamics_
         type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)    :: dimensionless_
         type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)    :: refValues_
         type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)    :: multiphase_
         type(Monitor_t),        intent(in)    :: monitors
         real(kind=RP),             intent(in) :: elapsedTime
         real(kind=RP),             intent(in) :: CPUTime
      END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalize_f

      SUBROUTINE UserDefinedTermination_f
         implicit none
      END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedTermination_f
   end interface
end module ProblemFileFunctions

         SUBROUTINE UserDefinedStartup
!        --------------------------------
!        Called before any other routines
!        --------------------------------
            IMPLICIT NONE  
         END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedStartup
         SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalSetup(mesh &
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
                                        , thermodynamics_ &
                                        , dimensionless_  &
                                        , refValues_ & 
                                        , multiphase_ &
!           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
!           Called after the mesh is read in to allow mesh related initializations
!           or memory allocations.
!           ----------------------------------------------------------------------
            USE HexMeshClass
            use PhysicsStorage
            use FluidData
            IMPLICIT NONE
            CLASS(HexMesh)                      :: mesh
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
            type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)  :: refValues_
            type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)  :: multiphase_
         END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalSetup
         subroutine UserDefinedInitialCondition(mesh &
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
                                        , thermodynamics_ &
                                        , dimensionless_  &
                                        , refValues_ & 
                                        , multiphase_ &
!           ------------------------------------------------
!           called to set the initial condition for the flow
!              - by default it sets an uniform initial
!                 condition.
!           ------------------------------------------------
            use smconstants
            use physicsstorage
            use hexmeshclass
            use fluiddata
            implicit none
            class(hexmesh)                      :: mesh
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
            type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)  :: refValues_
            type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)  :: multiphase_
!           ---------------
!           local variables
!           ---------------
            integer        :: eid, i, j, k
            real(kind=RP)  :: qq, u, v, w, p
#if defined(NAVIERSTOKES)
            real(kind=RP)  :: Q(NCONS), phi, theta

!           ---------------------------------------
!           Navier-Stokes default initial condition
!           ---------------------------------------
#if defined(NAVIERSTOKES)
            associate ( gammaM2 => dimensionless_ % gammaM2, &
                        gamma => thermodynamics_ % gamma )
            theta = refvalues_ % AOAtheta*(pi/180.0_RP)
            phi   = refvalues_ % AOAphi*(pi/180.0_RP)
            do eID = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
               associate( Nx => mesh % elements(eID) % Nxyz(1), &
                          ny => mesh % elemeNts(eID) % nxyz(2), &
                          Nz => mesh % elements(eID) % Nxyz(3) )
               do k = 0, Nz;  do j = 0, Ny;  do i = 0, Nx 
                  qq = 1.0_RP
                  u  = qq*cos(theta)*cos(phi)
                  v  = qq*sin(theta)*cos(phi)
                  w  = qq*sin(phi)
                  q(1) = 1.0_RP
                  p    = 1.0_RP/(gammaM2)
                  q(2) = q(1)*u
                  q(3) = q(1)*v
                  q(4) = q(1)*w
                  q(5) = p/(gamma - 1._RP) + 0.5_RP*q(1)*(u**2 + v**2 + w**2)

                  mesh % elements(eID) % storage % q(:,i,j,k) = q 
               end do;        end do;        end do
               end associate
            end do

            end associate
!           ------------------------------------------------------
!           Incompressible Navier-Stokes default initial condition
!           ------------------------------------------------------
#if defined(INCNS)
            do eID = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
               associate( Nx => mesh % elements(eID) % Nxyz(1), &
                          ny => mesh % elemeNts(eID) % nxyz(2), &
                          Nz => mesh % elements(eID) % Nxyz(3) )
               do k = 0, Nz;  do j = 0, Ny;  do i = 0, Nx 
                  mesh % elements(eID) % storage % q(:,i,j,k) = [1.0_RP, 1.0_RP,0.0_RP,0.0_RP,0.0_RP] 
               end do;        end do;        end do
               end associate
            end do

!           ---------------------------------------
!           Cahn-Hilliard default initial condition
!           ---------------------------------------
            call random_seed()
            do eid = 1, mesh % no_of_elements
               associate( Nx => mesh % elements(eid) % Nxyz(1), &
                          Ny => mesh % elements(eid) % Nxyz(2), &
                          Nz => mesh % elements(eid) % Nxyz(3) )
               associate(e => mesh % elements(eID) % storage)
               call random_number(e % c) 
               e % c = 2.0_RP * (e % c - 0.5_RP)
               end associate
               end associate
            end do

         end subroutine UserDefinedInitialCondition
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
         subroutine UserDefinedState1(x, t, nHat, Q, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_)
            use SMConstants
            use PhysicsStorage
            use FluidData
            implicit none
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)     :: x(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)     :: t
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)     :: nHat(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP), intent(inout)  :: Q(NCONS)
            type(Thermodynamics_t),    intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),     intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),         intent(in)  :: refValues_
         end subroutine UserDefinedState1

         subroutine UserDefinedGradVars1(x, t, nHat, Q, U, GetGradients, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_)
            use SMConstants
            use PhysicsStorage
            use FluidData
            use VariableConversion, only: GetGradientValues_f
            implicit none
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: x(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: t
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: nHat(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)          :: Q(NCONS)
            real(kind=RP), intent(inout)       :: U(NGRAD)
            procedure(GetGradientValues_f)     :: GetGradients
            type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in) :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in) :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),      intent(in) :: refValues_
         end subroutine UserDefinedGradVars1

         subroutine UserDefinedNeumann1(x, t, nHat, Q, U_x, U_y, U_z, flux, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_)
            use SMConstants
            use PhysicsStorage
            use FluidData
            implicit none
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: x(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: t
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: nHat(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: Q(NCONS)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: U_x(NGRAD)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: U_y(NGRAD)
            real(kind=RP), intent(in)    :: U_z(NGRAD)
            real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: flux(NCONS)
            type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in) :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in) :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),      intent(in) :: refValues_
         end subroutine UserDefinedNeumann1
         SUBROUTINE UserDefinedPeriodicOperation(mesh, time, dt, Monitors)
!           ----------------------------------------------------------
!           Called before every time-step to allow periodic operations
!           to be performed
!           ----------------------------------------------------------
            use SMConstants
            USE HexMeshClass
            use MonitorsClass
            IMPLICIT NONE
            CLASS(HexMesh)               :: mesh
            REAL(KIND=RP)                :: time
            REAL(KIND=RP)                :: dt
            type(Monitor_t), intent(in) :: monitors
         END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedPeriodicOperation
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
         subroutine UserDefinedSourceTermNS(x, Q, time, S, thermodynamics_, dimensionless_, refValues_ &
, multiphase_ &
!           --------------------------------------------
!           Called to apply source terms to the equation
!           --------------------------------------------
            use SMConstants
            USE HexMeshClass
            use PhysicsStorage
            use FluidData
            IMPLICIT NONE
            real(kind=RP),             intent(in)  :: x(NDIM)
            real(kind=RP),             intent(in)  :: Q(NCONS)
            real(kind=RP),             intent(in)  :: time
            real(kind=RP),             intent(inout) :: S(NCONS)
            type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)  :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)  :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)  :: refValues_
            type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)  :: multiphase_
!           ---------------
!           Local variables
!           ---------------
            integer  :: i, j, k, eID
!           Usage example
!           -------------
!           S(:) = x(1) + x(2) + x(3) + time
         end subroutine UserDefinedSourceTermNS
         SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalize(mesh, time, iter, maxResidual &
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
                                                    , thermodynamics_ &
                                                    , dimensionless_  &
                                                    , refValues_ & 
                                                    , multiphase_ &
                                                    , monitors, &
                                                      elapsedTime, &
                                                      CPUTime   )
!           --------------------------------------------------------
!           Called after the solution computed to allow, for example
!           error tests to be performed
!           --------------------------------------------------------
            use SMConstants
            USE HexMeshClass
            use PhysicsStorage
            use FluidData
            use MonitorsClass
            IMPLICIT NONE
            CLASS(HexMesh)                        :: mesh
            REAL(KIND=RP)                         :: time
            integer                               :: iter
            real(kind=RP)                         :: maxResidual
#if defined(FLOW) || defined(SCALAR)
            type(Thermodynamics_t), intent(in)    :: thermodynamics_
            type(Dimensionless_t),  intent(in)    :: dimensionless_
            type(RefValues_t),      intent(in)    :: refValues_
            type(Multiphase_t),     intent(in)    :: multiphase_
            type(Monitor_t),        intent(in)    :: monitors
            real(kind=RP),             intent(in) :: elapsedTime
            real(kind=RP),             intent(in) :: CPUTime

         END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedFinalize
      SUBROUTINE UserDefinedTermination
!        -----------------------------------------------
!        Called at the the end of the main driver after 
!        everything else is done.
!        -----------------------------------------------
         IMPLICIT NONE  
      END SUBROUTINE UserDefinedTermination