VariableConversion_iNS.f90 Source File

Source Code

#include "Includes.h"
module VariableConversion_iNS
   use SMConstants
   use PhysicsStorage_iNS
   use FluidData_iNS
   implicit none

   public   iNSGradientVariables
   public   GetiNSTwoFluidsViscosity, GetiNSOneFluidViscosity

! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
!! GradientValuesForQ takes the solution (Q) values and returns the
!! quantities of which the gradients will be taken.
      pure subroutine iNSGradientVariables(nEqn, nGrad, Q, U, rho_ )
         implicit none
         integer, intent(in)        :: nEqn, nGrad
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)  :: Q(nEqn)
         real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U(nGrad)
         real(kind=RP), intent(in), optional :: rho_
!        ---------------
!        Local Variables
!        ---------------
         real(kind=RP)  :: rho, invrho

         rho = Q(INSRHO)

         invRho = 1.0_RP / rho
         U(INSRHOU) = Q(INSRHOU) * invRho
         U(INSRHOV) = Q(INSRHOV) * invRho
         U(INSRHOW) = Q(INSRHOW) * invRho
         U(INSP)    = Q(INSP)

      end subroutine iNSGradientVariables

      pure subroutine GetiNSOneFluidViscosity(phi, mu)
!        ***********************************
!           Here phi is the density, such
!           that varies linearly from the
!           density of fluid 1 to that of
!           fluid 2
!        ***********************************
         implicit none
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)   :: phi
         real(kind=RP), intent(out)  :: mu
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         mu = dimensionless % mu(1)

      end subroutine GetiNSOneFluidViscosity

      pure subroutine GetiNSTwoFluidsViscosity(phi, mu)
!        ***********************************
!           Here phi is the density, such
!           that varies linearly from the
!           density of fluid 1 to that of
!           fluid 2
!        ***********************************
         implicit none
         real(kind=RP), intent(in)   :: phi
         real(kind=RP), intent(out)  :: mu
!        ---------------
!        Local variables
!        ---------------
         real(kind=RP)              :: mu2, mu1, rho1, rho2

         mu1 = dimensionless % mu(1)
         mu2 = dimensionless % mu(2)

         rho1 = dimensionless % rho(1)
         rho2 = dimensionless % rho(2)

         mu = mu1 * (phi - rho2)/(rho1-rho2) + mu2 * (phi-rho1)/(rho2-rho1)

      end subroutine GetiNSTwoFluidsViscosity
! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
end module VariableConversion_iNS