#include "Includes.h" module VariableConversion_NS use SMConstants use PhysicsStorage_NS use FluidData_NS implicit none private public Pressure, Temperature, TemperatureDeriv, PressureDot public get_laminar_mu_kappa, SutherlandsLaw public NSGradientVariables_STATE public NSGradientVariables_ENTROPY public NSGradientVariables_ENERGY public getPrimitiveVariables, getEntropyVariables public getRoeVariables, GetNSViscosity, getVelocityGradients, getTemperatureGradient, getConservativeGradients public set_getVelocityGradients interface getTemperatureGradient module procedure getTemperatureGradient_0D, getTemperatureGradient_2D, getTemperatureGradient_3D end interface interface getConservativeGradients module procedure getConservativeGradients_0D, getConservativeGradients_2D, getConservativeGradients_3D end interface abstract interface pure subroutine getVelocityGradients_f(Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z) use SMConstants use PhysicsStorage_NS implicit none real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x(NGRAD), Q_y(NGRAD), Q_z(NGRAD) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_x(NDIM), U_y(NDIM), U_z(NDIM) end subroutine getVelocityGradients_f end interface procedure(getVelocityGradients_f), pointer :: getVelocityGradients contains ! ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! !@mark - !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Compute the pressure from the state variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURE function Pressure(Q) RESULT(P) ! ! --------- ! Arguments ! --------- ! REAL(KIND=RP), DIMENSION(NCONS), INTENT(IN) :: Q ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! REAL(KIND=RP) :: P P = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*(Q(5) - 0.5_RP*(Q(2)**2 + Q(3)**2 + Q(4)**2)/Q(1)) end function Pressure ! ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Compute the pressure time derivate from the state variables and its time derivatives !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURE function PressureDot(Q,QDot) RESULT(PDot) ! ! --------- ! Arguments ! --------- ! REAL(KIND=RP), DIMENSION(NCONS), INTENT(IN) :: Q REAL(KIND=RP), DIMENSION(NCONS), INTENT(IN) :: QDot ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! REAL(KIND=RP) :: PDot PDot = QDot(5) + 0.5_RP*(Q(2)**2 + Q(3)**2 + Q(4)**2)/(Q(1)**2)*QDot(1) - dot_product(Q(2:4), QDot(2:4))/Q(1) PDot = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*PDot end function PressureDot ! ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Compute the temperature from the state variables !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURE function Temperature(Q) RESULT(T) ! ! --------- ! Arguments ! --------- ! REAL(KIND=RP), DIMENSION(NCONS), INTENT(IN) :: Q ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! REAL(KIND=RP) :: T ! T = dimensionless % gammaM2*Pressure(Q)/Q(1) end function Temperature pure function TemperatureDeriv (Q) result (dTdQ) implicit none !-arguments-------------------------------- real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP) :: dTdQ(NCONS) !-local-variables-------------------------- real(kind=RP) :: sRho !------------------------------------------ sRho = 1._RP / Q(IRHO) dTdQ = [sRho * (-Q(IRHOE) + sRho * ( Q(IRHOU)**2 + Q(IRHOV)**2 + Q(IRHOW)**2) ), & -Q(IRHOU) * sRho, & -Q(IRHOV) * sRho, & -Q(IRHOW) * sRho, & 1._RP] dTdQ = dTdQ * thermodynamics % gammaMinus1 * dimensionless % gammaM2 * sRho end function TemperatureDeriv pure subroutine GetNSViscosity(phi, mu) implicit none real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: phi real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: mu mu = dimensionless % mu end subroutine GetNSViscosity pure subroutine get_laminar_mu_kappa(Q,mu,kappa) implicit none real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: mu, kappa ! ! --------------- ! Local variables ! --------------- ! real(kind=RP) :: T, suther T = Temperature(Q) suther = SutherlandsLaw(T) mu = dimensionless % mu * suther kappa = mu * dimensionless % mu_to_kappa end subroutine get_laminar_mu_kappa PURE FUNCTION SutherlandsLaw(T) RESULT(mu) ! ! --------- ! Arguments ! --------- ! REAL(KIND=RP), INTENT(IN) :: T !! The temperature ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! REAL(KIND=RP) :: mu !! The diffusivity real(kind=RP) :: tildeT tildeT = T*TemperatureReNormalization_Sutherland ! mu = (1._RP + S_div_TRef_Sutherland)/(tildeT + S_div_TRef_Sutherland)*tildeT*SQRT(tildeT) END FUNCTION SutherlandsLaw ! ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! GradientValuesForQ takes the solution (Q) values and returns the !! quantities of which the gradients will be taken. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! pure subroutine NSGradientVariables_STATE( nEqn, nGrad, Q, U, rho_ ) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nEqn, nGrad real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(nEqn) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U(nGrad) real(kind=RP), intent(in), optional :: rho_ ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! U = Q end subroutine NSGradientVariables_STATE pure subroutine NSGradientVariables_ENTROPY( nEqn, nGrad, Q, U, rho_ ) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nEqn, nGrad real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(nEqn) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U(nGrad) real(kind=RP), intent(in), optional :: rho_ ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! real(kind=RP) :: invRho, p, invP, rhoV2 invRho = 1.0_RP / Q(IRHO) rhoV2 = (POW2(Q(IRHOU))+POW2(Q(IRHOV))+POW2(Q(IRHOW)))*invRho p = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*(Q(IRHOE) - 0.5_RP*rhoV2) invP = 1.0_RP / p U(IRHO) = (thermodynamics % gamma-(log(p) - thermodynamics % gamma*log(Q(IRHO))))*thermodynamics % invGammaMinus1 & - 0.5_RP*rhoV2*invP U(IRHOU) = Q(IRHOU)*invP U(IRHOV) = Q(IRHOV)*invP U(IRHOW) = Q(IRHOW)*invP U(IRHOE) = -Q(IRHO)*invP end subroutine NSGradientVariables_ENTROPY pure subroutine NSGradientVariables_ENERGY( nEqn, nGrad, Q, U, rho_ ) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: nEqn, nGrad real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(nEqn) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U(nGrad) real(kind=RP), intent(in), optional :: rho_ ! ! --------------- ! Local Variables ! --------------- ! real(kind=RP) :: invRho, p, rhoV2 invRho = 1.0_RP / Q(IRHO) rhoV2 = (POW2(Q(IRHOU))+POW2(Q(IRHOV))+POW2(Q(IRHOW)))*invRho p = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*(Q(IRHOE) - 0.5_RP*rhoV2) U(IRHO) = Q(IRHO) ! density (only to have it) U(IRHOU) = Q(IRHOU)*invRho ! x-velocity U(IRHOV) = Q(IRHOV)*invRho ! y-velocity U(IRHOW) = Q(IRHOW)*invRho ! z-velocity U(IRHOE) = dimensionless % gammaM2 * p*invRho ! Temperature end subroutine NSGradientVariables_ENERGY ! ! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! pure subroutine getPrimitiveVariables(U,V) ! ! ************************************** ! Primitive variables are: ! V = [invRho, u,v,w,p,T,a^2] ! ************************************** ! implicit none real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: V(NPRIM) ! ! --------------- ! Local variables ! --------------- ! real(kind=RP) :: invRho invRho = 1.0_RP / U(IRHO) V(IPIRHO) = invRho V(IPU) = U(IRHOU) * invRho V(IPV) = U(IRHOV) * invRho V(IPW) = U(IRHOW) * invRho V(IPP) = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1 * ( U(IRHOE) & - 0.5_RP * (V(IPU)*U(IRHOU) + V(IPV)*U(IRHOV) + V(IPW)*U(IRHOW))) V(IPT) = V(IPP) * dimensionless % gammaM2 * invRho V(IPA2) = thermodynamics % gamma * V(IPP) * invRho end subroutine getPrimitiveVariables pure subroutine getEntropyVariables(U,p,invRho,S) implicit none real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: p, invRho real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: S(NCONS) ! ! --------------- ! Local variables ! --------------- ! real(kind=RP) :: invP real(kind=RP) :: entropy invP = 1.0_RP / p entropy = log(p * (invRho ** thermodynamics % gamma)) S(1) = (thermodynamics % gamma - entropy) / (thermodynamics % gammaMinus1) & - 0.5_RP * invRho * (POW2(U(IRHOU))+POW2(U(IRHOV))+POW2(U(IRHOW))) * invP S(2) = U(IRHOU) * invP S(3) = U(IRHOV) * invP S(4) = U(IRHOW) * invP S(5) = -U(IRHO) * invP end subroutine getEntropyVariables pure subroutine getRoeVariables(QL, QR, VL, VR, rho, u, v, w, V2, H, a) ! ! *************************************************** ! Roe variables are: [rho, u, v, w, H, a] ! *************************************************** ! implicit none real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: QL(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: QR(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: VL(NPRIM) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: VR(NPRIM) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: rho, u, v, w, V2, H, a ! ! --------------- ! Local variables ! --------------- ! real(kind=RP) :: HL, HR real(kind=RP) :: sqrtRhoL, sqrtRhoR real(kind=RP) :: invSumSqrtRhoLR associate(gamma => thermodynamics % gamma, & gm1 => thermodynamics % gammaMinus1) sqrtRhoL = sqrt(QL(IRHO)) ; sqrtRhoR = sqrt(QR(IRHO)) invSumSqrtRhoLR = 1.0_RP / (sqrtRhoL + sqrtRhoR) ! ! Here the enthalpy is defined as rhoH = gogm1 p + 0.5 rho V^2 = p + rhoe ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HL = (VL(IPP) + QL(IRHOE)) * VL(IPIRHO) HR = (VR(IPP) + QR(IRHOE)) * VR(IPIRHO) rho = sqrtRhoL * sqrtRhoR u = (sqrtRhoL * VL(IPU) + sqrtRhoR * VR(IPU))*invSumSqrtRhoLR v = (sqrtRhoL * VL(IPV) + sqrtRhoR * VR(IPV))*invSumSqrtRhoLR w = (sqrtRhoL * VL(IPW) + sqrtRhoR * VR(IPW))*invSumSqrtRhoLR H = (sqrtRhoL * HL + sqrtRhoR * HR )*invSumSqrtRhoLR V2 = POW2(u) + POW2(v) + POW2(w) a = sqrt(gm1*(H - 0.5_RP * V2)) end associate end subroutine getRoeVariables ! !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! -------------------------------------- ! Routines to get the velocity gradients ! -------------------------------------- ! pure subroutine getVelocityGradients_State(Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x(NGRAD), Q_y(NGRAD), Q_z(NGRAD) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_x(NDIM), U_y(NDIM), U_z(NDIM) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP) :: invRho, invRho2, uDivRho(NDIM) !------------------------------------------------------------- invRho = 1._RP / Q(IRHO) invRho2 = invRho * invRho uDivRho = [Q(IRHOU) , Q(IRHOV) , Q(IRHOW) ] * invRho2 u_x = invRho * Q_x(IRHOU:IRHOW) - uDivRho * Q_x(IRHO) u_y = invRho * Q_y(IRHOU:IRHOW) - uDivRho * Q_y(IRHO) u_z = invRho * Q_z(IRHOU:IRHOW) - uDivRho * Q_z(IRHO) end subroutine getVelocityGradients_State pure subroutine getVelocityGradients_Energy(Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x(NGRAD), Q_y(NGRAD), Q_z(NGRAD) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_x(NDIM), U_y(NDIM), U_z(NDIM) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP) :: invRho, invRho2, uDivRho(NDIM) !------------------------------------------------------------- u_x = Q_x(IRHOU:IRHOW) u_y = Q_y(IRHOU:IRHOW) u_z = Q_z(IRHOU:IRHOW) end subroutine getVelocityGradients_Energy pure subroutine getVelocityGradients_Entropy(Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x(NGRAD), Q_y(NGRAD), Q_z(NGRAD) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_x(NDIM), U_y(NDIM), U_z(NDIM) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP) :: pDivRho real(kind=RP) :: U(NDIM) !------------------------------------------------------------- pDivRho = Pressure(Q) / Q(IRHO) U = Q(IRHOU:IRHOW) / Q(IRHO) U_x = pDivRho * Q_x(IRHOU:IRHOW) + U / pDivRho * Q_x(IRHOE) U_y = pDivRho * Q_y(IRHOU:IRHOW) + U / pDivRho * Q_y(IRHOE) U_z = pDivRho * Q_z(IRHOU:IRHOW) + U / pDivRho * Q_z(IRHOE) end subroutine getVelocityGradients_Entropy ! !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! Routines to get the temperature gradient ! -> Currently using the conservative and velocity gradients ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! --- ! 0D: ! --- pure subroutine getTemperatureGradient_0D(Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z,nablaT) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x(NGRAD), Q_y(NGRAD), Q_z(NGRAD) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_x(NDIM), U_y(NDIM), U_z(NDIM) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: nablaT(NDIM) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP) :: u, v, w, invRho !------------------------------------------------------------- invRho = 1._RP / Q(IRHO) u = Q(IRHOU) / Q(IRHO) v = Q(IRHOV) / Q(IRHO) w = Q(IRHOW) / Q(IRHO) nablaT(IX) = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*dimensionless % gammaM2*(invRho*Q_x(IRHOE) - Q(IRHOE)*invRho*invRho*Q_x(IRHO) - u*u_x(IX)-v*u_x(IY)-w*u_x(IZ)) nablaT(IY) = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*dimensionless % gammaM2*(invRho*Q_y(IRHOE) - Q(IRHOE)*invRho*invRho*Q_y(IRHO) - u*u_y(IX)-v*u_y(IY)-w*u_y(IZ)) nablaT(IZ) = thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*dimensionless % gammaM2*(invRho*Q_z(IRHOE) - Q(IRHOE)*invRho*invRho*Q_z(IRHO) - u*u_z(IX)-v*u_z(IY)-w*u_z(IZ)) end subroutine getTemperatureGradient_0D ! !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! --- ! 2D: ! --- pure subroutine getTemperatureGradient_2D(N,Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z,nablaT) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- integer , intent(in) :: N(2) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q ( NCONS,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x( NGRAD ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_y( NGRAD ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_z( NGRAD ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_x( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_y( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_z( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: nablaT( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2) ) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j !------------------------------------------------------------- do j=0, N(2) ; do i=0, N(1) call getTemperatureGradient_0D(Q(:,i,j),Q_x(:,i,j),Q_y(:,i,j),Q_z(:,i,j),U_x(:,i,j),U_y(:,i,j),U_z(:,i,j),nablaT(:,i,j)) end do ; end do end subroutine getTemperatureGradient_2D ! !///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! --- ! 3D: ! --- pure subroutine getTemperatureGradient_3D(N,Q,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z,U_x,U_y,U_z,nablaT) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- integer , intent(in) :: N(NDIM) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q ( NCONS ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_x( NGRAD ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_y( NGRAD ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q_z( NGRAD ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_x( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_y( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: U_z( NDIM ,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) real(kind=RP), intent(out) :: nablaT(NDIM,0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3) ) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j,k !------------------------------------------------------------- do k=0, N(3) ; do j=0, N(2) ; do i=0, N(1) call getTemperatureGradient_0D(Q(:,i,j,k),Q_x(:,i,j,k),Q_y(:,i,j,k),Q_z(:,i,j,k),U_x(:,i,j,k),U_y(:,i,j,k),U_z(:,i,j,k),nablaT(:,i,j,k)) end do ; end do ; end do end subroutine getTemperatureGradient_3D ! !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Routines to get the conservative gradients from the primitive gradients ! ( \nabla \rho must already be in Q_x(1), Q_y(1), Q_z(1) ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! --- ! 0D: ! --- pure subroutine getConservativeGradients_0D(Q,U_x,U_y,U_z,nablaT,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q(NCONS) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_x(NDIM), U_y(NDIM), U_z(NDIM) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: nablaT(NDIM) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_x(NGRAD), Q_y(NGRAD), Q_z(NGRAD) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- real(kind=RP) :: u(NDIM), invRho, cons !------------------------------------------------------------- u = Q(IRHOU:IRHOW) / Q(IRHO) invRho = 1._RP / Q(IRHO) cons = Q(IRHO) / (thermodynamics % gammaMinus1*dimensionless % gammaM2) Q_x(IRHOU:IRHOW) = Q(IRHO) * U_x(1:NDIM) + u(1:NDIM) * Q_x(IRHO) Q_y(IRHOU:IRHOW) = Q(IRHO) * U_y(1:NDIM) + u(1:NDIM) * Q_y(IRHO) Q_z(IRHOU:IRHOW) = Q(IRHO) * U_z(1:NDIM) + u(1:NDIM) * Q_z(IRHO) Q_x(IRHOE) = cons * nablaT(IX) + Q(IRHOE) * invRho * Q_x(IRHO) + Q(IRHOU) * U_x(IX) + Q(IRHOV) * U_x(IY) + Q(IRHOV) * U_x(IZ) Q_y(IRHOE) = cons * nablaT(IY) + Q(IRHOE) * invRho * Q_y(IRHO) + Q(IRHOU) * U_y(IX) + Q(IRHOV) * U_y(IY) + Q(IRHOV) * U_y(IZ) Q_z(IRHOE) = cons * nablaT(IZ) + Q(IRHOE) * invRho * Q_z(IRHO) + Q(IRHOU) * U_z(IX) + Q(IRHOV) * U_z(IY) + Q(IRHOV) * U_z(IZ) end subroutine getConservativeGradients_0D ! --- ! 2D: ! --- pure subroutine getConservativeGradients_2D(N,Q,U_x,U_y,U_z,nablaT,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- integer , intent(in) :: N (2) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q (NCONS, 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_x (NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_y (NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_z (NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: nablaT(NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_x (NGRAD, 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_y (NGRAD, 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_z (NGRAD, 0:N(1), 0:N(2)) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j !------------------------------------------------------------- do j=0, N(2) ; do i=0, N(1) call getConservativeGradients_0D(Q(:,i,j),U_x(:,i,j),U_y(:,i,j),U_z(:,i,j),nablaT(:,i,j),Q_x(:,i,j),Q_y(:,i,j),Q_z(:,i,j)) end do ; end do end subroutine getConservativeGradients_2D ! --- ! 3D: ! --- pure subroutine getConservativeGradients_3D(N,Q,U_x,U_y,U_z,nablaT,Q_x,Q_y,Q_z) implicit none !-arguments--------------------------------------------------- integer , intent(in) :: N (3) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: Q (NCONS, 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_x (NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_y (NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: U_z (NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(in) :: nablaT(NDIM , 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_x (NGRAD, 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_y (NGRAD, 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) real(kind=RP), intent(inout) :: Q_z (NGRAD, 0:N(1), 0:N(2), 0:N(3)) !-local-variables--------------------------------------------- integer :: i,j, k !------------------------------------------------------------- do k=0, N(3) ; do j=0, N(2) ; do i=0, N(1) call getConservativeGradients_0D(Q(:,i,j,k),U_x(:,i,j,k),U_y(:,i,j,k),U_z(:,i,j,k),nablaT(:,i,j,k),Q_x(:,i,j,k),Q_y(:,i,j,k),Q_z(:,i,j,k)) end do ; end do ; end do end subroutine getConservativeGradients_3D subroutine set_GetVelocityGradients(grad_vars_) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: grad_vars_ select case (grad_vars_) case(GRADVARS_STATE) getVelocityGradients => getVelocityGradients_STATE case(GRADVARS_ENERGY) getVelocityGradients => getVelocityGradients_ENERGY case(GRADVARS_ENTROPY) getVelocityGradients => getVelocityGradients_ENTROPY end select end subroutine set_getVelocityGradients end module VariableConversion_NS