
The p-adaptation methods are used when the p-adaptation region is specified in the control file. There are two different types of p-adaptation algorithms: A Truncation Error (TE) algorithm and a Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm.

Keyword Description Default value
adaptation type CHARACTER: Can be either "TE" or "RL". TE
Nmax INTEGER(3): Maximum polynomial order in each direction for the p-adaptation algorithm (limited to 6 for RL adaptation type). Mandatory keyword
Nmin INTEGER(3): Minimum polynomial order in each direction for the p-adaptation algorithm. [1,1,1]
conforming boundaries CHARACTER(*): Specifies the boundaries of the geometry that must be forced to be conforming after the p-adaptation process. --
order across faces CHARACTER: Mathematical expression to specify the maximum polynomial order jump across faces. Currently, only and are supported.
mode CHARACTER: p-Adaptation mode. Can be static, time or iteration. Static p-adaptation is performed once at the beginning of a simulation for steady or unsteady simulations. static
interval INTEGER/REAL: In dynamic p-adaptation cases, this keyword specifies the iteration (integer) or time (real) interval for p-adaptation. huge number
restart files LOGICAL: If .TRUE., the program writes restart files before and after the p-adaptation. .FALSE.
adjust nz LOGICAL: If .TRUE., the order across faces is adjusted in the directions xi, eta, and zeta of the face (being zeta the normal direction). If .FALSE., the order is only adjusted in the xi and eta directions. .FALSE.

Truncation Error p-Adaptation

This algorithm can perform a p-adaptation to decrease the truncation error below a threshold.

#define p-adaptation
   adaptation type       = TE
   Truncation error type = isolated
   truncation error      = 1.d-2
   Nmax                  = [10,10,10]
   Nmin                  = [2 ,2 ,2 ]
   Conforming boundaries = [InnerCylinder,sphere]
   order across faces    = N*2/3
   increasing            = .FALSE.
   write error files     = .FALSE.
   adjust nz             = .FALSE.
   mode                  = time
   interval              = 1.d0
   restart files         = .TRUE.
   max N decrease        = 1
   padapted mg sweeps pre      = 10
   padapted mg sweeps post     = 12
   padapted mg sweeps coarsest = 20
Keyword Description Default value
truncation error type CHARACTER: Can be either "isolated" or "non-isolated". isolated
truncation error REAL: Target truncation error for the p-adaptation algorithm. Mandatory keyword
coarse truncation error REAL: Truncation error used for coarsening. same as truncation error
increasing LOGICAL: If .TRUE. the multi-stage FMG adaptation algorithm is used. .FALSE.
write error files LOGICAL: If .TRUE., the program writes a file per element containing the directional tau-estimations. The files are stored in the folder ./TauEstimation/. When the simulation has several adaptation stages, the new information is just appended. .FALSE.
max N decrease INTEGER: Maximum decrease in the polynomial order in every p-adaptation procedure.
post smoothing residual REAL: Specifies the maximum allowable deviation of after the p-adaptation procedure. --
post smoothing method CHARACTER: Either RK3 or FAS. RK3, if the last keyword is activated
estimation files CHARACTER: Name of the folder that contains the error estimations obtained with the multi tau-estimation (see the section below). --
estimation files number INTEGER(2): First and last estimation stages to be used for p-adaptation. Mandatory if last keyword is used.
padapted MULTIPLE: Specifies control file keywords that should be replaced after the adaptation procedure. Currently, only 'mg sweeps', 'mg sweeps pre', 'mg sweeps post', and 'mg sweeps coarsest' are supported. --

Reinforcement Learning p-Adaptation

This algorithm can perform a p-adaptation based on a trained RL agent.

#define p-adaptation
   adaptation type       = RL
   agent file            = policy_padaptation/p_adaptation_policy
   tolerance             = 1d-2
   Nmax                  = [6, 6, 2]
   Nmin                  = [2, 2, 2]
   Conforming boundaries = [cylinder]
   restart files         = .FALSE.
   mode                  = iteration
   interval              = 10
   threshold             = 2.0
Keyword Description Default value
agent file CHARACTER: Relative path to the binary file that provides the policy of the RL agent. Mandatory keyword
tolerance REAL: Tolerance for the RL agent. The smaller the tolerance, the wider the adapted region. 0.01
threshold REAL: The mesh will be adapted only if the percentage of the elements that require adaptation (in relation to the total number of elements) is above the threshold. 0.0

Multiple truncation error estimations

When using Truncation Error based adaptation, a static p-adaptation procedure can be driven by a set of error estimations, which have to be performed beforehand in a simulation with the following block:

#define multi tau-estimation
   truncation error type = isolated
   interval              = 10
   folder                = MultiTau