
For postprocessing the Simulation Results

Visualization with Tecplot Format: horses2plt

HORSES3D provides a script for converting the native binary solution files (.hsol) into tecplot ASCII format (.tec), which can be visualized in Pareview or Tecplot. It can also export the solution to the more recent VTKHDF format; however, note that this feature does not export boundary information or mesh files. Usage:

    $ horses2plt SolutionFile.hsol MeshFile.hmesh <<Options>>

The options comprise following flags:

Flag Description Default value
--output-order= INTEGER: Output order nodes. The solution is interpolated into the desired number of points. Not Present
--output-basis= CHARACTER: Either Homogeneous (for equispaced nodes, or Gauss. Gauss
--output-mode= CHARACTER: Either multizone or FE. The option multizone generates a Tecplot zone for each element. The option FE generates only one Tecplot zone for the fluid and one for each boundary (if --boundary-file is defined). Each subcell is mapped as a linear finite element. This format is faster to read by Paraview and Tecplot. multizone
--output-variables= CHARACTER: Output variables separated by commas. A complete description can be found in Section 2. Q
--dimensionless Specifies that the output quantities must be dimensionless. Not Present
--partition-file= CHARACTER: Specifies the path to the partition file (*.pmesh) to export the MPI ranks of the simulation. Not Present
--boundary-file= CHARACTER: Specifies the path to the boundary mesh file (*.bmesh) to export the surfaces as additional zones of the Tecplot file. Not Present
--output-type= CHARACTER: Specifies the type of output file: tecplot or vtkhdf. tecplot
  • Homogeneous when --output-order is specified

Additionally, depending on the type of solution file, the user can specify additional options.

Solution Files (*.hsol)

For standard solution files, the user can specify which variables they want to be exported to the Tecplot file with the flag *-{}-output-variables=. The options are:

  • \(Q\) (default)
  • \(\rho\)
  • \(u\)
  • \(v\)
  • \(w\)
  • \(p\)
  • \(T\)
  • \(Mach\)
  • \(s\)
  • \(Vabs\)
  • \(V\)
  • \(Ht\)
  • \(rhou\)
  • \(rhov\)
  • \(rhow\)
  • \(rhoe\)
  • \(c\)
  • \(Nxi\)
  • \(Neta\)
  • \(Nzeta\)
  • \(Nav\)
  • \(N\)
  • \(Ax\_Xi\)
  • \(Ax\_Eta\)
  • \(Ax\_Zeta\)
  • \(ThreeAxes\)
  • \(Axes\)
  • \(mpi\_rank\)
  • \(eID\)
  • \(gradV\)
  • \(u\_x\)
  • \(v\_x\)
  • \(w\_x\)
  • \(u\_y\)
  • \(v\_y\)
  • \(w\_y\)
  • \(u\_z\)
  • \(v\_z\)
  • \(w\_z\)
  • \(c\_x\)
  • \(c\_y\)
  • \(c\_z\)
  • \(\omega\)
  • \(\omega\_x\)
  • \(\omega\_y\)
  • \(\omega\_z\)
  • \(\omega\_abs\)
  • \(Qcrit\)

Statistics Files (*.stats.hsol)

Statistics files can generate the standard variables as well as the following variables (being the components of the Reynolds Stress tensor):

  • \(umean\)
  • \(vmean\)
  • \(wmean\)
  • \(S_{xx}\)
  • \(S_{yy}\)
  • \(S_{zz}\)
  • \(S_{xy}\)
  • \(S_{xz}\)
  • \(S_{yz}\)

Extract geometry

Under construction.

Merge statistics tool

Tool to merge several statistics files. The usage is the following:

    $ horses.mergeStats *.hsol --initial-iteration=INTEGER --file-name=CHARACTER

Some remarks:

  • Only usable with statistics files that are obtained with the "reset interval" keyword and/or with individual consecutive simulations.
  • Only constant time-stepping is supported.
  • If the hsol files have the gradients, the following flag must be used
    $ --has-gradients
  • Dynamic p-adaptation is currently not supported.

Mapping result to different mesh

HORSES3D addons, horsesConverter, has a capability to map result into different mesh file, with both have a consistent geometry. This is done by performing interpolation with the polynomial inside each element for each node point of the new mesh. The type of node quadrature will follow the quadrature defined in the .hmesh file with selected polynomial order in the control file. A control input file is required and must has name horsesConverter.convert. The template of control input file will be generated by default when executing ./horsesConverter in a directory without the control file. Error message is given when at least one node point of the new mesh is not within any element of the old mesh. After completion, a new result file is generated and named Result_interpolation.hsol. The required keywords in the control file are described in the table below. Command to execute:

    $ ./horsesConverter
Keyword Description Default value
Task meshInterpolation
Mesh Filename 1 Location of the origin mesh (*.hmesh)
Boundary Filename 1 Location of the origin boundary mesh (*.bmesh)
Result 1 Location of the solution file with origin mesh (*.hsol)
Mesh Filename 2 Location of the target mesh (*.hmesh)
Boundary Filename 2 Location of the target boundary mesh (*.bmesh)
Polynomial Order Polynomial order of the target mesh (1, 1, 1)

Generate OpenFOAM mesh

Another functionality of horsesConverter addons is to convert the mesh files, (*.hmesh) and (*.bmesh), into OpenFOAM format, the polyMesh folder. Each element is discretised into cells distributed as Gauss-Lobatto nodes. The number of division of each element, (, , and ), is required in the control file, see previous section. After completion, a folder named foamFiles is generated. OpenFOAM mesh files, i.e. points, faces, owner, neighbour, and boundary, are located within foamFiles/constant/polyMesh. The required keywords in the control file are described in the table below Command to execute:

    $ ./horsesConverter
Keyword Description Default value
Task horsesMesh2OF
Mesh Filename 1 Location of the origin mesh (*.hmesh)
Boundary Filename 1 Location of the origin boundary mesh (*.bmesh)
Polynomial Order Number of division of each element (, , and ) (1, 1, 1)

NOTE: Before running the mesh in the OpenFOAM environment, the type of boundaries inside the boundary file needs to be adjusted according to the actual type (patch, wall, and symmetry).

Generate HORSES3D solution file from OpenFOAM result

HORSES3D provides a capability to convert OpenFOAM result into HORSES3D solution file (*.hsol). The mesh of the OpenFOAM result must be generated by converting HORSES3D mesh files, see the previous section. Beforehand, the OpenFOAM result must be converted into VTK format(*.vtk). This not only allows the result to be in the single file but also converts cell data into point data. In the OpenFOAM environment, the command for this conversion:

    $ foamToVTK -fields "(U p T rho)" -ascii -latestTime

The necessary file (.vtk) required for the control file input is inside VTK folder, see previous section for the control file template. The HORSES3D solution file is named Result\_OF.hsol. The required keywords in the control file are described in the table below. Command to execute:

    $ ./horsesConverter
Keyword Description Default value
Task OF2Horses
Mesh Filename 1 Location of the origin mesh (*.hmesh)
Boundary Filename 1 Location of the origin boundary mesh (*.bmesh)
Polynomial Order Polynomial order of the solution file (.hsol) (1, 1, 1)
VTK file Location of VTK file (.vtk)
Reynolds Number Reynolds Number/m of the solution -- =1.0m
Mach Number Mach Number of the solution
Reference pressure (Pa) Reference Pressure 101325
Reference temperature (K) Reference Temperature 288.889